The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Melfi is complicit.


I guess I just can’t imagine liking the other parts of the show though? Like, the action isn’t that great. It’s funny, but the Melfi scenes are hilarious as well. (I don’t let anyone wag a finger in my face).

100% behind the dream sequences being a drag though.

In what? Tony’s “crimes”?

You know, you talk about these guys like it’s an anthropology class. The truth is, they bring certain modes of conflict resolution from all the way back in the old country, from the poverty of the Mezzogiorno, where all higher authority was corrupt.


Oh I hate the dream scenes.


Maybe he’s arguing something that pocketchads isn’t.

Alternative definitions

I feel like this describes a decent percentage of unstuckers.


Yeah just lol at considering people with large credit card debts who live in $300,000 houses, and have boats and expensive cars “not well off.” They’re bad at math, ,but they’re still well off.

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Yeah just being able to get loans and not have that shit taken means youre very well off. I think people just want to shit on trumpers vut they dont live in reality. Those people are more well have than the vast majority of the country.

I cant type for shit on my pho e

What if the entire government consisted of five-year-olds?


This is true.

Also true is that owning a car and being poor is kind of an American thing.

Dominion gonna be selling pillows stuffed with cash.

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These guys are crazy. He got owned by Cooper about whatever medicine he was grifting and doesn’t skip a beat with new false claims.

I don’t mean to imply that having zero net worth and still being able to buy stuff is anything great or necessarily means you’re rich. It could be rich if you’re like millions in debt and living in a mansion. But it’s different than just flat out not being able to get or do stuff because you have neither money, nor credit, nor family to mooch off of.

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Always with the blackouts. They’re completely obsessed with blackouts. Like Trump has a switch that turns off all the electricity in the US.


Otherwise smart (I know) Rogan Bros on the internet seem to be going with “Some idiots were larping therefore everyone was larping.”

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For sure. I’m way to into this stuff because I’m wfh and have not much to do.


I also like how they think the US President can control the airwaves and telephones of people in France, China and other random countries.


Its insane to me that I haven’t seen any discussions on open carry because of this event and what happened in Michigan. Open carry laws are some of the worst laws to exist in any democratic first world nation. You just had armed rioters storm your capital with weapons and nobody is like “hey, maybe its bad these people had these weapons out in the open.”


I could probably live with open carry if we instituted a massive federal bureaucracy to register and track all guns.