The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

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Wow New Hampshire is killing it.


That was my first thought as well. He got into this in the thread. It’s a data error, they’re actually down around 45%


Lol @ Alabama & MIssissippi.


I don’t need this chart to do that.


I think everyone underestimates how toxic CNN was. It’s obvious how Fox and AM radio pushed the Overton window off the ledge, but CNN standardized the news and kind of solidified center-right New Democratic ideas as the default position of American politics. Guys like Al Gore and maybe Howard Dean became the most extreme left wing stuff viewers became aware of. And of course CNN wasn’t ever going to push back on the Iraq War extravaganza and all the viewers that attracted.

There’s that very early clip of Carl Sagan dropping socialism bombs on Ted Turner, they learned very early not to let guys like him on the air.


Good point. CNN legitimized Trump and devoted a huge amount of airtime to Trump rallies in 2016 as well. They gave Hillary a pittance of coverage by comparison.

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Sagan was awesome. Talking to Turner about wealth and the media broke my irony meter though.

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Sagan’s politics weren’t even that far out there. As recently as Jimmy Carter there was a mainstream progressive wing of the party that got erased after CNN homogenized everything into a Clintonian center-right perspective.

Kind of person I want to take my index finger and thumb and flick them between the eyes.

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Lindsey Graham, a Profile in Courage



Deep state got to him, clearly.

I wonder if she ever watches that back and rolls up into a ball as much as I do watching it.

Highly doubtful.

She is proud of it and after a few drinks busts out her phone to show everyone.

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lol south carolina you re elected your senator who won’t STAND BEHIND TRUMP now he doesn’t need him to win the election

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Trump’s war with his generals

John McEntee, one of Donald Trump’s most-favored aides, handed retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor a piece of paper with a few notes scribbled on it. He explained: “This is what the president wants you to do.”

  1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

  2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

  3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

  4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020 — days after Trump lost his re-election bid, 10 weeks before the end of his presidency and just moments after Macgregor was offered a post as senior adviser to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.

As head of the powerful Presidential Personnel Office, McEntee had Trump’s ear. Even so, Macgregor was astonished. He told McEntee he doubted they could do all of these things before Jan. 20.

“Then do as much as you can,” McEntee replied.

In Macgregor’s opinion, Miller probably couldn’t act on his own authority to execute a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan because he was serving in an acting capacity. If this was for real, Macgregor told McEntee, then it was going to need an order from the president.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller’s office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. The order arrived seemingly out of nowhere, and its instructions, signed by Trump, were stunning: All U.S. military forces were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2020. All U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Jan. 15, 2021.

What the fuck is this? Miller wondered.


Bannon insists that he frequently demanded the Pentagon answer basic facts about the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, including where billions of dollars in U.S. aid were going and how many troops and contractors were on the ground.

“They literally would not give you any information. And the information they gave you was bullshit. In every presentation, they say you’re 18 months away from turning the war around. Always. You’re always 18 months away.”