The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

grifters going to grift. she probably shouldn’t have mentioned $45 chicken. other than that she didn’t break character once.

He really needs to FOAD.


I’ll never not be absolutely flabbergasted at tens of millions of people being all in for this guy. It’s deranged, pathetic, sad and infuriating.


What do you get if you feed 40 dollar chicken to billionaires?

Billionaire chicken shit.

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her timeline also seems to promise updates on the supposed fake seal team six mission and maybe new statements from the international falconry guy. Makes Lin Wood look sane.

Its the people who are educated enough to know better who bother me the most. The simple-minded morons are what they are.

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I remember being completely flabbergasted at how seemingly the entire country thought that the Iraq invasion was a great fucking idea, millions of people going all-in on Trump is a variation on the theme. It’s difficult to conceive how stupid and violent and dangerous the average American voter is.


I think that the common trend behind all of this is that many people are primarily consumers now, any sense of being a citizen is totally alien to many people (not just Americans). But yeah the rise of Trump and Covid really dramatically illustrate this. The whole idea that the entire world exists to enable you to berate a waitress is a moral disaster but its very prevalent. These people are bringing a “the customer is always right” attitude to their whole lives which is insane. They think they have as much obligation to you as a fellow human as they do to an employee at McDonald’s when they buy a Big Mac. Is problem.


I don’t think we can underestimate the influence of FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and social media. The seeds were there I guess, but Republicans are dramatically different than they were 20 years ago. Proven by the fact that George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain went from darlings of the party to the most hated members. Now Liz Cheney can be added to that list. None of them changed, but millions of others did. The blatant effort to divide the country and completely demonize the Democrats has worked to a level that I’m sure the GOP never thought was possible. Now the toothpaste is irreparably out of the tube.


Yea I mean these people are 100% convinced Biden, Pelosi, Harris, etc. are socialists. They are beyond redemption or reasoning.

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Even that’s not enough of an explanation. If they tell you that, then follow up with “And what’s wrong with socialists?”. There’s your real problem.

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I of course totally agree. I have an instinctive view that all those things are potent accelerants but the spark that lit the fire was 80s style Reagan/Thatcher individualism and economic theory based on “get yours, fuck your neighbor”. Before runaway globalism and consumerism America still had neighborhoods and some element of cultural collectivism woven into daily life. I really do think it was a different world before the 80s literally brought us “greed is good”.


I thought we might see something of a blue wave in 2020. My faith in the USA was destroyed when that clown somehow found 11 million MORE idiots to vote for him.


And forget about them offering a good explanation of socialism or socialist policies. All they know is socialism is bad, whatever it is.

The faint silver lining in the ongoing support for Trump and the complete failure of people to be humane in the face of Covid is that there are a lot of us now that have a clearer understanding of just how many people there are that are proudly ignorant and aggressively selfish as a value system. Things have evolved from when that crazy lady accosted McCain about Obama and we all thought “Golly gee that lady was nuts” and now we think “Yeah there are 70 million of those people in America and we need to deal with that”. Its not much but its a start.


Even simpler than that, they just go “bad is socialism, for whatever I feel is bad”.

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True, but there are relatively fewer Biden types trying to negotiate in good faith with people that want to put us all in gas chambers and relatively more people in the HOLY FUCK THEY WANT TO PUT US ALL IN GAS CHAMBERS camp.

There is nothing particularly unique about the Trump era. It is all well within the range of known human behavior. If anything, it is a reversion to mean. The relative (and frequently exaggerated) peace and liberalism and enlightenment of recent history is the outlier. This is who we are as a species, and it means all the truly ugly possibilities are still very much in play.


They want to control your life, not even let you eat burgers or drive trucks or shoot guns or make racist jokes or really do anything fun at all… that’s the entry point through which Fox hacked their brains.

I think that’s all true but Trump will still feel like an outlier to people that lived there whole lives in relative peace and prosperity.

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