The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


(I don’t normally post in politics threads, so Sweet summer child warning)

I don’t see Trump as a candidate in 2024. It’s been like 3 months since he left and the GOP is still on the Trump train (Cheney oust) but how long can that really last? He’s back at Mar a Lago interrupting weddings with election fraud nonsense. In 1 year, I think they will have to move on from the big lie. He holds no office and just hangs out at his golf resorts. He’s already reduced to crazy “official statements” about junkie horses and TV ratings that hardly anyone seems to even care about. What is he doing to help the GOP grow? He’s not holding rallies. Who’s going to keep following him for 4 years with any enthusiasm? IMO, there’s a high probability that he dies or gets seriously ill before 2024. I predict the GOP will move on with attempted Trump 2.0 and will fail. It won’t be the belligerent rich man yelling about immigrants, it’ll be a calculated attempt to copy that and it won’t connect with the Trump supporters the way Trump did. I think Trumpism will move on, but Trump himself will keep fading from relevance.


Yeah, he’s like 50/50 to even be ambulatory by 2024 and who knows if he’ll even be allowed to tweet.


This kind of presumes that the GOP strategy is to win future elections, not to undermine the credibility of outcomes. They seem hellbent on just stealing power, in which case the big lie will remain a central part of their story and the fact that they are bleeding popular support is totally irrelevant.

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Screw the Feds—send in this guy


Lololol she is such a psycho. I played poker with her at Borgata once before she became famous. She was genuinely nice and seemed normal then. Not sure what happened to turn her into a right wing religous but job, but if she were at all smart she’d be able to grift her way to a Fox News primetime spot.

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How many bamboo tests will they keep doing before they concede they can’t overturn the previous election? Give it a year and that crap will have to stop IMO. They will continue to push their voter suppression laws on the basis of voting integrity. Refusing to certify future elections will be based on the fraudulence of the future election itself (or just “lol, fuck you. Not certifying”). But continuing the big lie for years to come will just look crazy/stupid at that point.

It doesn’t matter how stupid it looks if it works.

They’re going to take the House based on redistricting alone. As insane as this all is there are massive structural advantages. Insanity and stupidly doesn’t really correlate to failure in this context.

Thing is it’s a freeroll. There is zero harm to the Republican Party never conceding the election.

As a bonus, it becomes easier to persuade Republicans to sign on to election fuckery. “Look, the other guys are cheating, it’s okay for us to do it.”


They don’t care. The crazier, stupider, more absurd the whole process of politics is the better it is for them. Sane people will tire of dealing with this shit long before the Republican lunatics tire of it. I think you’re ascribing a whole lot of attributes (reason, shame) to Republicans that they absolutely don’t have.

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The GOP strategy is not entirely irrational. Trump just got like 10 million new GOP voters to the polls, and, major bonus, they are completely indifferent to policy and corruption. Dialing up the racism for 10 million more votes is way more efficient, with massive grifting potential along the way, than doing the hard work of trying to placate well meaning suburban moms.


Sorry to pile on this, but I think it’s important.

If Republicans were going to back off things that are crazy/stupid, they would have already bailed on Trump. The crazy/stupid stuff started right away in 2017 and compounded daily. Trump’s daily Covid pressers with idiotic incoherent blathering about injecting disinfectants and shining lights on people were just as stupid as the election denial stuff. They don’t care about that stuff, like, at all. They just want to infuriate liberals and the big lie is going to be in the toolbox literally forever. Median Republicans will die insisting that Trump really won the election.


Imagine quitting med school to be a tourney pro then ending up with 12k in cashes. Looooool

Poker is still insanely soft, the biggest difference to post BF is no daily micro tournaments with 5 figure scores up top and you can’t get 100% rb at multiple sites. That’s really it.


I don’t think she was ever actually good at poker. But she had other, ummm… assets that allowed her to become famous in the poker world.

AOC might be a favorite if MTG were drunk but if not I doubt it. I bet she bites.

I mean, MTG would pull out a gun and shoot her, so that’s a problem.

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AOC probably dodges bullets like Neo. I think she’s in trouble if MTG gets in close and gets a hold on her. But I’m not an expert, maybe need one of the fighting guys to give their insight.

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He’s going to live until like 2050. Evil fucks never die.


Storm Thurmond lived 26 years longer than how old Trump is today. Henry Kissinger, 23 years. I’m not even gonna look up Jesse Helms but that’s 20+ years too. Hope is not a strategy.