The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It’s just a really dumb argument.

Like, what happens when they win? Well we got more votes; must have cheated to win!

This forum dramatically overrates the number of people that just say “you lost, get over it” on both sides of the aisle.

Did you miss the part where they violently attacked the US Capitol

That was before, after seeing it being a huge success this year and how easy it was and how they didn’t have to miss a day of pay and wait in 6+ hour lines I would think they would love to do it again.

A huge issue for dems turnout is always working class and poor people not being able to get time off work to wait in 6 hour lines and miss and entire days pay. Then if they get rid of early voting or shorten it to almost nothing and take away weekends and make it 9-5 it would be super, super hard for these people to vote EXCEPT vote by mail.

Like almost everything, pre trump mail in voting is now different.

Not to mention all the college students who might be out of town/state.

You mean the first Annual Official Trump Brand Insurrection?

Proof, if any were needed, that America has a lot of shitty journalists.

Dems gotta start rigging elections too. It’s the only way to combat Republican rigging.

Basically, which autocracy do you want?

I mean succession couldn’t even parody these guys because one at least in succession the the dad is competent but two the Trumps are more succession than Succession. Like ,of course, the Trump women are fucking their way through the secret service. Guarantee Tiffany asked Donald to send a continent of special forces to a secluded beach with them. God knows there’s probably a challenge coin for who banged a Trump entourage

And of course Trump is over there tossing out agents who could run 3 miles in 15 minutes because they didn’t have 8% body fat like Trump himself wouldn’t be anything but a stationary target

Related: my mega deplorable co-worker loves Succession only because he unironically loves Logan Roy.

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Does he have kids? Because if so yikes.

OK, some guy just walked passed my house carrying an American Flag and had some kind of sign on him. Sadly I was on a work call and couldn’t run out to look. So no clue what his agenda is.

If I had to stereotype him, its a middle aged white bigger guy with a tank-top, shorts, not much hair and a beard. So deplorable by stereotype.

Have never seen anything like that here in our suburb. Have seen out in the country.


But she says the president did repeatedly seek to remove Secret Service staff he deemed to be overweight or too short for the job.

“I want these fat guys off my detail,” Trump is reported to have said, possibly confusing office-based personnel with active agents. “How are they going to protect me and my family if they can’t run down the street?”


He should have got rid of the thin guys too. How are they going to protect him if they’re too skinny to block a bullet from hitting his fat ass?


Deplorables LOVE to use their accumulated wealth to bully their kids and threaten to withhold their inheritance. This is textbook narcissist behaviour and they would act EXACTLY like Logan Roy if they had that much power.



Looks like something fell out of his diaper.


This is truly incredible.

Those are some pendulous…

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