The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Today I saw a pickup truck

Wolf decal on the back window

Flag as the background

Biden bumper sticker

Might be the the upset of the year.


Some of you need to recalibrate your “well off” meters.

Some of you are conflating well off with drowning in absurd debt.

I promise you most people with big stupid trucks and/or boats are not well off.


Also Mike Flynn is going to be the new VP. And Trump gets another two years because something something reasons. Those 2 years don’t count and he can run for another 4 after that.


How about after controlling for ‘able to fly to DC for not-even-the-inauguration’?


Just holy shit at hiding incommunicado while his officers were still dealing with this. No wonder this fucking cuck resigned.


Should we invite him?


LOL he’s really going to lose everything, amazing


Nah. He’s squirreled away some money somewhere. in a pillow?

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Something tells me airline prices have not been through the roof this last year. Pretty sure they take credit cards too.

I have lived in Texas for almost forty years. It is the absolute capitol (haha) of big dumb truck and boat ownership.

Those are two of the absolutely most unsound purchases you can make. Anyone living in whatever we call middle class is very unlikely to be well off.

When I see them I don’t think, “nice home, nice retirement portfolio, plump college fund, a couple vacations a year.” I think “So that’s all your money.” I have known an absurd number of these people living in the capitol of such lifestyles.

This doesn’t preclude some of them being well off, but if you see a hundred of them and knock out 85-90 from being “well off” you are probably going to be pretty safe.


Just not true. I know these people. The idea that most have generational wealth and are successful business owners is absolutely absurd.

There are people who fit that role but it is a tiny percentage of who is involved.

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Yes, most of these people have zero net worth. It’s impossible to imagine but your median Trump loving boat owner doesn’t even contribute enough to their 401k to get the company match. They live entirely on credit.


If you think they aren’t well off maybe you don’t know enough people driving 30 year old Chevy S-10s who sometimes get stuck not being able to get somewhere because they can’t get their hands on $10 for gas. That describes about half the people I know.


Yea liberals really need to understand the generational wealth that those in rural areas have. It’s a big part of the problem when it comes to the divide between rural and urban America. I have friends that make less than $20K a year that own 100+ acres of land because their grandpappy left it to them. They really do think liberal ideals are an attack on them and their wealth.


You’re arguing something he’s not though.

I’ve been thinking about the grift. We set up “Unstucker Politics”, do a bunch of nutjob-like posts, then take it down and claim we were censored and start screaming on all social media about our first amendment rights. Set up a gofundme or whatever the grifter fund raising site is to pay for our “legal fees” to get our site back up.

Or skip the Unstucker Politics part. Just register a RWNJ domain name, don’t put anything on it, and claim it was shut down by the feds and set up your gofundme. These folks are so stupid none of them are going to check the WHOIS to find out it was registered today.


Sure, but it’s Tuesday/Wednesday and probably Thursday. How many unemployed people with boats and pickups on layaway with a credit card still good for the air trip, the hotel etc do you think there are?

I’m not going to say all of the people there were well off. 85-90% being as you describe is straightforwardly inconsistent with the demographics of Trump’s support (higher among middlie-income voters than low-income voters, albeit not by much). So I’ll certainly dispute 85-90%.

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They mostly don’t have zero net worth. The median net worth in the US is almost $100k. These people are mostly at least median.

And owing a lot of money and living an upper middle class lifestyle is still basically being upper middle class. The people mowing their lawn are closer to poor even if they don’t owe a lot on a new truck.


Warren Buffet is middle class because he lives in a fairly modest house in the Midwest


This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second

This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second

This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second

This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second

This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second

This actually makes total sense if you think about it for a second
