The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

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Lol no cabinet position is that busy. That’s what the long top experts are there for. I assume it’s like being a CEO. You’re just there for meetings, ideas, to make the call, and communicate with the executive/president.

Pompeo probably worked like 2 hours a day.


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I think the key think in this is that they were non-work related requests. I think if a public official has an administrative assistant book work meals and even arrange pick up and drop off of dry cleaning at the office that wouldn’t catch attention.

36 posts were split to a new topic: Hard at Work or Hardly Working, CEO Edition

He does get paid a salary, right? That’s what you use to pay for taking care of personal shit.

And in the special case of SOS, in addition to his official salary, he gets paid a millions of Sklansky bucks that will be converted with varying degrees of success after he is done serving in the position. He can afford to hire someone off of TaskRabbit to do a few chores for him if he is pressed for time.

CEO content excised.


MOD RAMPAGE! To my thread combustulator!


Not a chance in hell. Crossing Trump on nativist and anti free trade stuff is one thing. The GOP Senate would never have given in on GUBMINT healthcare. Trump wasn’t that popular.

Trump is all about that space force.

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I own one share of Netflix-kajigger and I demand we sue to protect our IP

lol why would he retain rights, is anyone going to punish him for any of this

Most US government works are not copyrighted. Like, you can’t impersonate an FBI Officer (that’s criminal), but you could print t-shirts and baseball caps with their logo, insignia, etc. I think anyone could make and sell space-force t-shirts, baseball caps, etc.

Redirecting to’%20logos%20without%20permission.

Well shit, definitely missed that grifting opportunity. We should design some deplorable clothing. Like a thin blue line shirt with the space force logo on top of it. Does it make sense? No. Does that matter? Nope.

Then when sales slow down we sell the email address data to scammers.


What could possibly go wrong?

I think they’ve learned their lesson, ldo.

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Lookin good there bud. Yes, this is real. It’s from today when he called into Fox.


For every normal person the stress of the presidency ages them 4 years for every one year.

For Trump the attention probably invigorated him, and the stress of no twitter and no bully pulpit is killing him. Here’s hoping!