The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

What’s up with that picture? They took it in front of a green screen and then were like ‘let’s use an empty Disney restaurant dining room from 1994 as the background?’ I feel like they weren’t even actually next to each other and even the weird chalice is somehow just photoshopped in as well. What a bunch of insane losers.

Are u talking about Trump and Scott or “Smashing Trumpkins”?

Trump and Scott

Trump looks frail in that picture. He’s hunching over as if he’s got osteoporosis.

If you don’t know who Lincoln is, he’s the guy next to Trump on the flyer:

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They banned toy guns in addition to regular firearms. Are they not aware of the 2nd amendment of our Constitution?

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Does this not look super weird to anyone else? The background is clearly shopped in and it’s a bizarre fucking choice imo.

No, it looks fine (aside from the men in the foreground). I assume this is at Mar a Lago, which, of course, is hideously decorated because Trump has no taste.

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I’m with jiggy in that it seemed shopped to me at first glance, but I don’t put any stock in my ability to identify that. It’s probably just my brain refusing to believe a real place could look like that.

Are photos of Trump being shopped to make him look skinnier?

The amount of weight he lost in such a short period of time is extraordinary if it didn’t come from gastric bypass.

I am 99% sure it is shopped, the background does not look right at all and the perspective is off (look how low the table is compared to Trump’s waistline). Look at the border between Trump’s pants and the table. This hideous interior belonging to Mar-a-Lago makes perfect sense though.


Wtf space force logo seems random. Brings to mind the episode of STOS with Lincoln and the rock people.

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Seems like it ought to be illegal to use official govt logos to advertise a personal fundraiser or whatever.

Bai God is that the Hatch Acts music??


Yeah. Like when I got my Trump debit card, I was supposed to know it was real because it had the IRS logo on it.

Gotta be a federal employee to get dinged with the hatch act, I think.

Maybe the people own the government and should be allowed to use government logos as if they were their own personal intellectual property.


I voted for Donald Trump. I thought that his policies, by and large, mirrored the policies that I believed in. I thought the choices for the Supreme Court were top notch. At the end of the day, who gets nominated to the federal courts is really the most important thing a President does.

Given the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, do you wish you’d been more involved in pushing back against former President Trump’s efforts to overturn the election?

No. I’m retired. I try to stay out of the day-to-day rumble of politics. I really didn’t need to speak up. At some point [in 2018], somebody asked me about the state of the Republican Party, and I said, ‘The Republican Party’s taking a nap.’ I wrote to my staff several days after January 6, I said, ‘I called it a nap but now it’s become’… I might have said ‘crisis.’

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It might partly be that you were like 10 years old in 2000.

As far as who the bigger fascist is, you can make an argument for either. Trump certainly talks more fascist and openly subverts the rule of law, but Bush started ICE, DHS, Patriot Act, and perpetual war.

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