The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

That’s why you have to make it more believable.

Like you don’t have a piece of fake intel that says ENTIRE RUSSIA STRATEGY as the title.

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I really don’t like our chances of Trump being any good at secret agenting.


Is there some crazy CIA plot they can dust off and use to slowly poison Trump under the guise of giving him in-person Intel briefings so that it looks like he dies of natural causes in a couple of years?

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Well if I understand the plan correctly Trump doesn’t actually have to do anything. You just feed the believable misinformation to Trump and whatever makes it to Putin is what you get. Maybe it’s nothing. Just give him the info and let nature take it’s course.


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Trump going scorched Earth?

The GOP is currently Walter White laying in the desert after calling in the Nazis.

I’d watch a sad Mitch McConnell rolling a chemical barrel full of money across the desert.


If you want to meet the star of such movies as Rhinestone and Over the Top, here’s the place to be:

Fucking Rocky’s a deplorable. Aw man.

Guess they’ve been friends for a while though

I’m surprised when a white boomer with money isn’t a deplorable.


So then who do deplorables cheer for in Rocky IV?


Shout to my uncle who switched his stance. Saw that shit in real time.

My dad looks up to him because he’s a self made rich guy and pretty damn smart, and he dunks on my dads pro trump posts and its glorious.


Sly seemed like an okay guy. Disappointing.

lol my dad posts like 20 times a day so it’ll take some digging but I’ll find some.

Alright this one took me like 7 minutes to find lol.

IIRC the original article was about who supported the only TRUE and greatest President of the united states Donald Trump.


There were much better ones but I don’t think I can subject myself to scrolling through more of his timeline. I need a xanax now lol

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+1. Uncle sounds awesome!