The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years



Dems chasing Trump is like repubs chasing Clinton at this point.

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I am shocked, SHOCKED to find corruption in here



The world is different now. The menace of the Trump Bot is no more. He is gone. His demonic flame has been extinguished. I remember the first thing I would do each and every morning immediately the instant I woke up would be to check on the Trump Bot to see what racist fiery hate The Demon was spewing that particular morning. It was my sacred duty. I had no other choice. Who could resist such a sirens song ? It is an impossibility. I was being drawn in by otherworldly forces. Reading the Trump Bots early morning rants was like drinking 10 cups of coffee. At once. Per Tweet. How else could I start my day? I needed it. It was like having a bowl of cocaine for breakfast. Every day. For years and years and years! I couldn’t get enough. Line after line. Old Hit after after old hit. Grievance after grievance. Give me more! Hook it to my veins!!!..And now it is beginning to feel like nothing more than a far away long distant memory. Like it was all make-believe. It must have been. Nothing else makes sense. This couldnt have actually happened right ? How? Why? There are no answers. Only more questions. But I know it all actually happened. I was there.I lived through it. I experienced it. At least I think I did. That’s what I tell myself at least. I know that over time I will surely develop PTSD like symptoms because of the Trump Bot. He will forever haunt my nightmares. There will be no escape. I am sure of it. But nevertheless, I persevere. Things do feel much more serene and peaceful now though. The evening air has a different feel and silent beauty that I never before noticed. I feel as though I can breath again. The Trump Bot is no more. He has retreated like a Balrog back into the dark abyss. At least until he recollects his shadowy powers and rises once more. But until that time, we live. The Trump Bot became a part of me and now he is gone. Life is different but yet somehow better.

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This is so accurate. When I hear his voice now it shocks me back to the reality that he was the president for 4 years, and as recent as three months ago. I’ve definitely hidden away the day to day horrors of him way in the back of my brain somewhere, hoping to eventually forget him but knowing I never will and never should.


Even if it’s not Trump himself, the anxiety-inducing clown show is coming back soon. The GOP is completely gone and not only are their policy positions going to get even more horrific, their willingness to cheat is now completely unlimited and if they ever win again it’s the end of the country.


One of Ivanka Trump’s top initiatives — a legislative overhaul of programs assisting small businesses run by women around the world — was so haphazardly managed by a federal agency that an independent watchdog was unable to determine whether it actually worked.

In a report released on Thursday, the Government Accountability Office found that programs funded through the Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act, which Ms. Trump, the eldest daughter of former President Donald J. Trump, helped usher through Congress in late 2018, were deeply flawed and hampered by poor oversight.




I’m surprised that a grifty faildaugter with no government experience could screw up like this.


can’t be real. must be an april fool’s joke

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I thought Melania was just waiting to divorce him as soon as he lost the election.

That was just the media narrative. In reality she’s every bit as deplorable and perfectly content in her present position.


I’m sure there’s some sort of financial agreement for how long she has to stay with him.

I have a feeling she hates him, but she also doesn’t want to have to be out on her own. With him, she at least theoretically has money and is power-adjacent.

Horrible policy/power grab wise I agree with you, but there was something specific about Trump, imo. It was like he considered it his daily, and only, job to piss me off. Like he wouldn’t go to sleep until he got me super angry, even if it meant tweeting into the night. And he was damn good at this “job” too.


I mean what talents does she have?

Without a man to take care of her, she has nothing in her life.

I guffawed at least four times.

“I don’t begrudge anyone for wanting to make money … but don’t be so brazen about it,” the aide said [in their anonymous leak to an unfriendly political reporter]