The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Anyone who doesn’t think Trump should have been banned much sooner is off their meds.

The couple paid only $400 a month in utilities and other fees — far below the market rate for rent, Jennifer Weisselberg told the outlet. Prosecutors are examining whether the way the arrangement was reported in tax documents violated tax laws, according to Bloomberg News.

Let me venture a guess if they broke tax law with these arrangements where they did not give raises for decades but paid for all sorts of other stuff…

Perhaps. Nevertheless, I think it is possible to think this and still be a bit uncomfortable at the same time.

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Yes, it’s real

Yes, that’s the entirety of the statement


Durham was his guy. Why the fuck is he asking us?


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I took a vacation from the insanity and have no idea what he’s talking about. I did a quick google search and still have no clue. This is a very good thing.


Durham was his puppet who was supposed to do an investigation on the Russia investigation or something

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Yea he was the guy bill barr handpicked to do an investigation of the Russia investigation and promised a damning report right before the election and the report never happened, likely because there wasn’t shit to find. I think they had one lawyer plead guilty to some misdemeanor because he broke the standard process on something, that was it.

I remember my dumbfuck uncle seeing that headline about that plea deal and posting about how all the heads were about to start rolling.

Although that’s about how we were with mueller, lol us


I think he is still there as a special prosecutor that Biden/Garland have to pretty much leave in place??

Lol Trump just wants to tweet so bad.


That reminds me. There needs to be an online effort to spam his new media with as many user names as possible to shut it down.

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I wonder if they knew he was going to say something about Dominion

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Not going to lie, wasn’t sure which thread this made the most sense in.

But I see this is how they are going to play it.

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If Trump were smart (LOL), he’d just say he wants to visit the border but it simply isn’t safe for him to do so since Biden is personally handing out AR-15’s and cocaine to brown people coming over to rape women in the suburbs. He lies about everything else. Might as well lie about this.


That would go against his macho tough guy “I’d go in and stop the shooters without a gun” character he’s built up that seems to be the only thing he can stay consistent on.

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no to that as well.