The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

“IF they did AND this was a court of law”

Some words doing a lotttttttttt of heavy lifting in that sentence.

DUE PROCESS! Where was the PROCESS that our beloved president was DUE?!

Ohhhhhh, now I understand. The managers have been impeached and they are on trial, not Trump.


I will say it is pretty chilling how frequently they invoke principles they absolutely do not care about in the service of their authoritarian bullshit.


What are the odds that Jen Lawrence lost her blue check mark after Jan 6th? 100%?

The other funny thing about all the “due process” bullshit is like, what part of the “process” are they even alleging didn’t happen? Why are they here talking to us now?

That was my first thought too. She claims on Twitter to have never been verified.

I’m pretty anxious about what happens after the acquittal.

I’m assuming Trump re-emerges immediately, holds daily press conferences and rallies, claims total vindication, screams about how the election was stolen, and incites more violence against his political enemies.

Is there really any other possibility? He’s neutered on Twitter and this hurts him, but what’s he going to do, fade away and play golf until he dies?

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LOL at that clip. Nazis being “very fine people” was at an Infrastructure Week presser!

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Hmm. I think he was saying nazis aren’t fine people, but fine people march with nazis.

Weird how hes not including WHY these people are pressing for impeachment… maybe it’s because of the crimes he was committing?

I see we’ve reached the “put minorities on screen and be blatantly racist” portion of the proceedings.


Suddenly full context isn’t a thing.

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Lol, right?

Oh good, this video again.

Like, we just saw this less than an hour ago, right?



Dems say “fight”. Checkmate, libtards.

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lol @ the Warren “fight” montage. Idk why but it has me giggling.

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My son saw a screenshot of her tweet on TV yesterday and asked, “Where do I know that name from?”

I told him it’s the actress who played Katniss Everdeen but don’t worry, it’s not the same one. He was relieved.