The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

WTF is going on?

Should have used National Guard exclusively from like Hawaii and maybe Vermont. Honestly we should probably be using fucking UN peacekeepers at this point.


Seriously though why in the absolute fuck is there 25k guard members? That’s fucking insane. They’re worried the MAGAs are going to assemble and 30k man militia and try to take out Biden?

Seems like 1k would be more than enough lol.

So who deployed these Troops. It’s in DC, so was it Trump?

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So, it’s fake or real? Is tribune bad?

I mentioned this a few days ago. Considering how many offduty cops took part in the insurrection, its entirely believable that an armed national guard dude could take a free shot at Biden. Are we great again yet?


All those papers are printing the same story from the AP.

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I’d like to see how the Senate would justify acquitting Trump if he tries to pardon the insurrectionists.

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But what does it accomplish? The guys at the capitol legit thought they were going to change an election and be heroes. All shooting Biden accomplishes is Harris president. Lone nut is possible but it’s a completely different dynamic. Most of these guys don’t want to die or go to jail forever.

She’s there too. Yeah, don’t ask me to understand the logic for any of this.

they were planning something called the million man march

That makes total sense in a nation where 35% of the people are not certifiably insane.

taking out both means Pelosi so they gotta storm the capit ah fuck

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Now that’s a micropenis truck if ever there was one.

Totally grunching this obv… back to catching up…

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Probably by voting “no” and cruising to re-election in their deplorable filled shithole states

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they just thought to do this now?!

hey should we check if anyone in the national guard is a white supremacist who wants to overthrow the government? nahhhh we’re prob ok


Drove through downtown DC earlier today and can confirm it’s insane. There are National Guard troops fucking evvvverywhere. Just milling about with huge guns, directing traffic, going to Potbelly.


Imagine thinking this. Get this woman off my TV forever.


Is that post from 2006 or 1986? I guess give her a tiny bit of credit for not going along with the deficit “concerns”, which she probably did in 2010. See if NYT and WaPo also keep battling the bullshit.