The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

And the NBA has quickly ordered him to start playing it again.

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In case anyone was wondering, “I blame the protestors” is code for it was antifa and blm that did the rioting.

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I think Rick Scott is a complete waste of something else.

Who expected responses that weren’t this?

Politics is a field in which psychopathy is a prerequisite for the job.

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This country is so fucked. The majority party can just say whether or not something like this is constitutional in the first place and ignore reality with no repercussions. Software needs a patch asap.


From a point of pure procedure, he’s not wrong. This is the equivalent of trying someone for murder after half the jury publicly said the defendant didn’t do it, and if he did, they won’t convict anyway.

I understand why the Dems are moving forward and of course it’s the right move, but yeah, I mean this is basically a waste of time. It’s why my only knowledge of the “trial” comes from this board.


He’s not wrong.

The point is to play videos like that and get these senators on the record before 2022. No idea of will make a difference though.


Checked out Newsmax during the insurrection video - they were all over the Dallas Mavericks national anthem scandal.

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Someone just punch Mike Lee.

Hey cool. Time to watch Mike Lee be a giant asshole

Schumer needs to get up there and take control. This is ridiculous.

Edit: he did

What’s an asshole Lee is. Jfc

Dinnae teach yer Granny tae suck eggs!


Yeah, this is right. You definitely have to get these assholes on the record even though it is not likely to make one bit of difference.

Cliffs on what happened with Mike Lee? The trial is done for the day, right?

This, hoping he just magically goes away is not going to work.


Lee objected at the end, saying he didn’t say something that the House managers said he said. He wanted it stricken from the record. After arguing and confusion, Raskin stepped in and said yeah, sure strike it, it’s cool, we don’t need it.


terrible if he actually did say it, since now mike lee can just pivot to they just made up my quotes like they did with everything in the trial.