The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yeah I’m not a big fan of cable news/opinions but he’s so good, maybe I’ll start watching him on DVR and burn through it in 10 minutes every night. He destroys Rachel IMO and the fact that he can put together an article like that is really impressive for a cable news host.

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Seth Meyers is really good if you want a consolidated clip of what’s going on.

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Still no actual receipts. (Only watched the clip.)

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I was expecting there to be a barrage of lawsuits filed against Trump as well as ex-staff and employees who he turned against coming out of the woodwork to regale us with tales of his incompetency and wrongdoings. But so far nothing.

What gives?

There was no real reason to delay filing suits until he left. The SCOTUS precedent was they could go ahead and lots of people did in fact sue him.

There was nothing new in this idea - eg in the 80s it was standard practice for record companies to game the music top 30 singles charts by finding out which shops were being sampled and bulk buying their own singles at those.

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Maybe the ones who haven’t died already.


He’ll be bringing all the grace and dignity to post-Presidential life as you would expect:

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A former aide suggested Trump try to demonstrate his indifference to it all by spending much of impeachment playing golf, “as a way of sort of saying, ‘Who cares?’”

Christ, how fucking stupid are these journalists.

“Oh, yes, we advised the sun to rise this morning as we find it makes daytime much more convenient.”


I get that Trump has no argument and his attorneys have to say something, but rolling with “it was free speech” is just straight up idiotic. You’re defending the actual President and your argument can be refuted with an internet meme.


I really hope the House managers don’t focus too much on Trump saying “fight” in his rally speech on January 6. It’s so easy to just say he didn’t mean it literally, considering most of the time people say “fight” in a political speech, they don’t mean to actually engage in a physical fight.

I’m assuming they will do a good job and focus on everything Trump did and said leading up to January 6 and use the speech as the icing on the cake.

Not that any of it will matter.

Everything I’ve seen and read indicates they will make a very convincing case. Just listening to The Daily this morning was jarring, I think we mostly just did the very normal human thing and tried to forget about the traumatic event. It was really, really, really bad. The presentation will be devastating, and of course that won’t matter.

It’s wild to think about how many serious-business Constitutional scholars will be thinking about this and writing seriously about this and none of it will matter as the Senate proceeds to a vote that will break 95% along party lines. Everyone involved could just halfass it and the result would be the same.


I’m here for the halftime show, when does it start?

LANSING, Mich. — Dozens of heavily armed militiamen crowded into the Michigan Statehouse last April to protest a stay-at-home order by the Democratic governor to slow the pandemic. Chanting and stomping their feet, they halted legislative business, tried to force their way onto the floor and brandished rifles from the gallery over lawmakers below.

Initially, Republican leaders had some misgivings about their new allies. “The optics weren’t good. Next time tell them not to bring guns,” complained Mike Shirkey, the State Senate majority leader, according to one of the protest organizers. But Michigan’s highest-ranking Republican came around after the planners threatened to return with weapons and “militia guys signing autographs and passing out blow-up AR-15s to the kiddies on the Capitol lawn.”

“To his credit,” Jason Howland, the organizer, wrote in a social media post, Mr. Shirkey agreed to help the cause and “spoke at our next event.”

Following signals from President Donald J. Trump — who had tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” after an earlier show of force in Lansing — Michigan’s Republican Party last year welcomed the support of newly emboldened paramilitary groups and other vigilantes. Prominent party members formed bonds with militias or gave tacit approval to armed activists using intimidation in a series of rallies and confrontations around the state. That intrusion into the Statehouse now looks like a portent of the assault halfway across the country months later at the United States Capitol.

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dlk9s jr (12) has already been thinking about all the shit he’ll tell his kids about these last few years. He’s told me that it’s going to be wild when kids 20, 30 years from now learn about Trump and the pandemic in school.

Also, his Trumpy friend has been changing the terms of their bet, as expected. My kid still thinks he’s going to get his $20, though.


That LIBERATE MICHIGAN thing has got to be an important part of the impeachment trial.


To help Jnr in the future dealing with the crazy…

And others of course… :v:


Here’s the article.

The buildings were going to be sold at the top of the market but for $5 billion it’s basically only pension funds bidding and they all bailed because Trump. Now they can’t refinance to take advantage of low interest rates, also because Trump. Smallest violin ever for both of these assholes.