The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It’s sometimes hard to tell who really believes this shit or how much of it, but most things like this Lindsey Graham appearance make near perfect sense when viewed in the framework of information warfare. Forget any idea that he is stating his sincere beliefs. I’m going with: this guy possesses the ability to tell the difference between people saying mean things to Susan Collins at a restaurant or whatever from thousands of people storming the center of US government to stop the transfer of power. It is possibly a waste of time and definitely a waste of emotional energy to get bothered by him as if he’s a real person expressing genuinely held beliefs. He’s fighting a war in the information space to gain favor among Republican voters who eat this shit up, and if he pisses people like you off that’s a feather in his cap for him.

Or think about it in terms of law; the worst of the worst often get expensive and talented lawyers to do arguably even worse shit than Fox News punditry in the interest of getting plain as day guilty defendants off the hook for major crimes. I think most Americans accept this with a level cynicism or realpolitik that this is what good defense lawyers do for obviously guilty clients. Sometimes there is outrage, but it’s usually muted because most people get that this is how the American system works.

The answer is, sadly, Graham et al are adversaries against democracy to be defeated and not anything approaching fellow countrymen with good faith disagreements about how to interpret political events. It’s almost politically impossible from them to break with Orange right now, and so they won’t, and that’s why they’re on tv continuing to defend him. Channel your rage into something else, there’s literally no such thing as nailing these people for being morally and intellectually bankrupt.


While I agree with all of this, I truly believe these people have to experience some kind of consequence. There has to be an incentive not to do it. I have absolutely no idea how to make that happen.


Graham already experienced a consequence: he’s no longer the Judiciary Committee Chair. If the only norm left is “the legal winner of an election takes power” that’s something we can use.

For a little context around my senator, Mike Lee. In a vacuum he might score nerd-points but in the real world he’s just a fuckhead.

I think Mike Lee meant the US is a constitutional monarchy.

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<sPoNgeBoB>We’re not a democracy<\sPoNgeBoB>


The only thing that will stop it is prison. Even fining them $10 million won’t do shit if you bankrolled by the Koch’s.

If Trump, Cruz and Hawley were sent to prison for 20 years, this shit would stop immediately.


Fuck all these motherfuckers. They deserve everything that one can imagine.

I guess Lyndsey said one thing to reporters and the opposite to Hannity.

I’m going to laugh my ass off when one of these sycophants has to either fend off a primary challenger or worse a patriot party 3rd party candidate. You know it’s going to happen to one of these loyal stooges.

I watched Game of Thrones. If I had a dragon at my disposal, we could stop this.

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I don’t doubt he’d see that as a step forward.

Edit. Actually, idk what his deal is. I’ll just go with my first instinct, fuckhead.

I have a vivid imagination.

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Constitutional republic is code for power corrupts. Now gimme some more money.

Tis true the founders didn’t fully trust the plebes. Big limits on who can vote (white males). Senators selected by the state legislatures. Couple of things that needed fixing. Took a long time.

Bill or rights pretty good at ensuring that it isn’t just mob rule.

But you go with “we are not a democracy” Mr Lee.

Not just ponied, but ponied by Cruz.

Edit: Shame on you. You know who you are.

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What, I was changing my reply. Everyone is deleting.

Almost as cringy as marrying Alan Greenspan!

(don’t delete!)

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Interesting how everyone in media is pretending he’s gone forever based on his obvious guilt. Trump is guaranteed the nomination in 2024! He’s not going away unless he’s jailed or dies.


Disagree. He’s been neutered on social media. Has he had any public remarks since 1/20? A large part of running for POTUS is an accommodating media.


Hopefully he dies.

Easy win for the nomination. He has a lock on 30-40% in every single state. There will be 10+ competitors with lots of variation in where they are popular.

No accomodating media? Ok, maybe he won’t get 80% of the Republican vote in 2024.