Slow down and take a bong hit or something, you’re harshing the mellow here
Predictit is back to 64/41
If the media starts running breathless stories about Biden’s oil remark, they are literally working for the Trump campaign. What he said is not news. Ending oil subsidies, net zero emissions by 2040 or w/e, all that shit is on his website, he’s said it before, it’s not news.
Switching to local news, “President Trump did a better job speaking to the issues…”
This is so bad.
What’s the oil thing?
Than himself, or than Biden?
Lol I didn’t say switch to other channels, turn off the tv bro
Joe said he was high on CBD oil
I just don’t see how this moves the needle much either way. The decided people aren’t changing their minds. The undecided people don’t care about most of the political coverage of the debate and if they tuned into the debate at all probably just heard what they wanted to hear from whatever candidate they were probably going to vote for anyway.
And, of course, there just aren’t that many undecided or willing to change voters out there.
I agree this changed nothing but Joe fumbled on the Daniel Jones yardline tonight.
so bad or better predictit odds?
The question is whether states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are close enough that even tiny movement of the needle can flip the electoral votes.
We already knew the media would do this. We’ve been talking about it for years. Deep breaths.
Bold prediction, may need to sit down for it, polls are going to say Biden won the debate at his averaged national polling lead minus 1-2%.
The predictit odds are currently exactly the same as they were before the debate. One other possibility nobody is considering is that people DGAF about this debate and nobody really watched it.
one more eDem say nothing has changed will make me put all my money on a Trump win
Jesus, I’m watching the local news in Ohio and they’re rolling with this “Trump did a better job!” nonsense, you know low-info schlubs in PA and WI are getting the same message. Danger Will Robinson, everyone put on your brown pants this is bad.