The Final Debate: Biden v Trump the Shitshow wrapped in a clusterfuck having sex with a goatshow inside a dumpster fire

Also, that bomber jacket is fire.

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Yeah thatā€™s the next step.

Heā€™s correct that the Proud Boys are more of incel misogynists than racists.

Yeah tell him heā€™s right - theyā€™re bedwetter incels who hate women. See if that makes him feel better.

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If the future debates are canceled, they should still happen but with Trump replaced by a crash test dummy.

Moderator: President Trump, what actions will you take to secure democracy?

Crash Test Dummy: (silence for 2 minutes)

Moderator: Your response Mr. Biden?

Biden: (silence)

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Chiefsplanet has taken the interesting strategy of insisting that the Proud Boys arenā€™t racist.


Iā€™m surprised we didnā€™t get holding your white wine glass incorrectly gate.


Yup. They have POC in their leadership and ranks. That is the argument I see being used.

Yeah I mean even if Biden wins itā€™s a huge step back from Obama in so many ways. But hopefully we get a more progressive Congress. AOC 2028! (Or 2024 if Biden steps down after one term.)

All that said, at least Biden feels empathy. So thatā€™s a big step back in the right direction.

I did a lot of research after that game because I agreed and I wanted one. Itā€™s Rag and Bone, and itā€™s like a monthā€™s rent or something crazy.

Mitt Romney would know that, but Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson would not.

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More like droner jacket amirite


Lol @ Reagan being cool. Cool if you play bingo every Saturday night.


He already said this, remember that he cancelled Federal anti-racism training because the anti-racism training was racist. Chessmate libtard.

Well, itā€™s already in there: Hispanics donā€™t hate him nearly as much as black people do. He only lost them 2:1, not 9:1, but then again, he didnā€™t call them welfare queens or monkeys.

How about that time he turned ketchup into a serving of vegetables? You have to admit, that was pretty cool.

Romney doesnā€™t drink.

This is a great point. That question, the recovering economy gaslight, and the Portland question were really bad.

Only positive I could imagine would be that this is the Chris Wallace that fox viewers see so when Wallace got visibly perturbed on multiple occasions it actually stood out.

LOL Facebook took this down. Apparently they thought it was real.


My dad likes this clown. It tilts me so much.

Who cares how they govern as long as they are cool.

VP debate is gonna be awesome. Just drill Pence about Trump the whole time.

