The Facial Hair Thread

Hey all, im in the process of seriously growing out my beard for the first time and really loving it, but I’m wondering if the facial hair gifted amongst us have any tips or tricks they would like to share?

Favorite beard oils and washes, clippers and tools, best ways to keep the thing neat and tidy while maintaining length, etc etc.

Come join some spirited beard and moustache chat


As a babyface with lackluster facial hair… I’m about to be jealous ITT.


As a long time beard haver, I don’t have many tips. I do like my Wahl clippers for trimming. It has a set of plastic guards with varying lengths. I use the 1/4 inch length every few weeks.

I just let it grow. I’m thinking of shaving it off after winter is over. Currently have a full Commander Riker beard.

Here is a store I go to in Indy for clothes. They sell their own line of beard oils and butter.

I can’t speak to the quality but the owners beard always looks dapper.

Sounds silly but last year I turned to YouTube to learn how to shape and care for my beard and it changed things for me completely. This video and others like it were helpful. On the affordable side, I like King Gillette products, but I’m certain there are better products out there.

I grew a moustache because I was too lazy to shave my upper lip. Not going through a bunch of facial hair care.

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Good thread idea. I can only grow a neckbeard that goes curly and is incredibly uncomfortable so I shave virtually daily. Am curious as to tips tricks as I’ve never tried anything.

This is great, thank you


I was the same, I was told the secret to getting past the neckbeard phase is to let it grow. For like, months. You can follow the steps om the video above to keep it shaped and trim, but fullness can only come with time.

I used to trim my entire beard down to a 2 or 1 once it got unruly, but that would prevent any possibility of fullness. The secret seems to be trimming the sides and neck while allowing the actual chin and jaw the ability to continue to grow for a long period of time

I think I have a pretty elite beard and have had it for a long time. I used to use oil but now I don’t, I do blow-dry it while combing in the morning after showering to straighten it out and and tame the stray curly hairs. This is a beard game changer, I figured that one out a few years ago. You hold the dryer above your head and point it down so the air runs parallel to your face/beard while running a comb from top to bottom.

I trim it by hand with an electric clipper once or twice a week to shape it and keep it neat, no guards or anything.

The gray beard hairs on my chin grow faster than the dark ones, so I’ve been trimming mine more frequently (once a week now) over the last couple of months.

Fuck off, Father Time.

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Years ago, after a hard day of rescuing children from burning orphanages and leaping over tall buildings in a single bound, I decided to quench my thirst at a local sippery. This is before the happy hour crowd rolls in, so there’s plenty of real estate, and unlike Putin I respect other people’s territory, so I plop down on a stool with some room to each side. I pull an hour and a half’s worth of books and crosswords from my bag and turn to look at the wall with all the taps and the guy in the still below comes into my field of vision. He nods at me and I nod back, y’know, just neighborly bar conduct, and I can’t help but grin and chuckle a little. I said something to the tune of “Wow! That’s some beard you got going on, dude!” He says “Thanks, in fact there’s a news crew coming to do a story about it.” And sure enough their product is below. My fabulous vest (which is sexy) makes a cameo at about 0:32 and my left arm (which is extremely sexy) makes a cameo at about 1:00.


I have a beard more out of convenience, as I grow basically a “natural goatee”, with not much beard growth elsewhere; pretty much like this:


I can get easily away with trimming & shaving the rest once a week, but a month without anyone noticing is not unheard of.

On another note, do y’all think the “toothbrush moustache” would be a thing today if Hitler hadn’t discredited it? I, myself, couldn’t grow a proper one imo; it would look something like this:


On a further note, if you think it would, that would also mean if you went back in time and killed Hitler as a kid or w/e, and returned, you would see if it worked if there would be people with toothbrush moustaches around.


Michael Jordon tried to bring back the Hitler mustache. He wore it in a Hanes commercial iirc


I don’t know, I think it just looks silly when it’s so thin, regardless of the history.

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I just let it grow wild and brush it daily. But some balm in there too. Due for a proper trim next week.

Bout to start on phase 2. Have been growing with little management for about 6 months now. Going to get some new tools (Baybliss pro Gold FX trimmer and clippers, new beard oil and balm, new comb and brush) for my birthday. Just tried out my new oil with blow dry and its amazing how much softer and fuller it makes things. Going to work on getting my lines right probably this weekend.