What in god’s name am I watching.
Is that a blue jean bath robe dress?
What the hell is this?
Where are Kerr and Pop?
I legitimately don’t know if I can sit through Joe’s speech. I’m already so nervous he’ll make an unrecoverable gaffe.
hell yeah!
The Currys?
I had to google who he was (true story).
they were good. Im gonna have to rewatch this later. good stuff
Feel like I’m watching the 1980 Olympic hockey team. Just want that clock to count down faster.
he should give these people prominent jobs in the white house and guarantee their security clearance even if the bureaucrats in washington think it’s “unwise” and “a major national security risk”
I give legit props to the Democratic PR machine. Usually these things are damn cringworthy and I watch it out of some perverse sado masochism. Tonight I’ve enjoyed the show, felt more proud to be a Democrat and feel better about voting for Biden. Now the only thing that can f*ck that up is Biden himself.
300 posts behind but jumping out of the airplane into the great unknown! It’s Hunter! I love that they brought him out here. Fuck the GOP and their bullshit
I’ve watched cumulatively less than 5 minutes of the NBA in my life.
he’s also the MVP of the National Curling Association
Ladies when you give Joe your number, he calls you. Vote for No Ghost Joe