The DNC 2020

I wish they’d play their instruments

Not much atheist outreach this cycle!


Yea all this religion shit is such a turn off. Separate church and state y’all.

There may be a job for you in the Biden 2024 Campaign!

Hunter Biden obv

Yang could learn about public speaking from Sister Simone. She knows how to speak at a good pace, with appropriate pauses.


Yeah, Yang needs to take a public speaking class. He gets too excited and it makes him rush

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this is strange. i was lead to believe democrats were the party which would destroy god. now i don’t know who to vote for in order to hurt the almighty.


Republicans have to be ecstatic. 2016 the media gave Trump a goldmine of free airtime. Now in 2020, the DNC is literally giving free airtime to Republicans.


Chris Coons is chair of the Senate ethics committee.

Bang up job, buddy.

Shut the fuck up about faith faith faith. There is no god and you’re turning off the hundred million plus people in the reality based community.

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faith faith faith faith faith joe should challenge donald to bible study

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This is absolutely infuriating. Disgraceful. Cowardly. Offensive.

This would be a great game. Joe and Trump are only allowed to respond to each other in Bible verses. First person to fail loses the debate and the presidency. I think our boy Joe might have an edge in that one.

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I’m arguably the most militant atheist here but gotta ask how can you guys be surprised by this? America is a pseudo theocracy. Your church state separation is an inch deep myth.


Instead of hurting God the DNC decided to hurt Riverman


And just when I was about to turn it on…

Religion is important to olds

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lmao julia killing it


JLD is so perfect for this :joy:


That was a good joke. A+

I’m not religious but that didn’t irritate me at all.