The DNC 2020

That is fucking brave going on tv right now saying you are undocumented. Fucking power!


Estella reading a letter to trump about her mom being deported fucking hurt. How can any decent human think that is ok?


why is this shit scripted?

She just did more good in 90 seconds than I’ve done in my life. Humbling.

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I’m the punk not Ms Billie

sick ass reverb on obama’s voice

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compression duck was awful tho

Segments on the importance of climate change and the value of immigrants. Starting to see victoars point about how dems are basically just as bad as republicans.

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dude has a great voice but this my first casio ass beat needs to go

she’s fierce right?

Man they were doing so good until “You’ll get to hear from Hillary Rodham Clinton”


Is that Oprah narrating?

Yes I’m pretty sure

It took me a few minutes to realize it was Oprah.

my stream cut for 20 secs

who’s the ‘she’?

the royal ‘she’?

Took four semesters of ASL in college. I was terrible but watching deaf folks sign is just awesome.

we’re gonna find out… it’s a big build up

it’s gotta be abstract

ya sounds like it