Well, there is a classic shaft and balls pattern forming on the BTC chart.
Hey beautiful. Any thoughts on a coin that can 10x in the near future?
Well for that I’d like to introduce you to my new con, errrr coin, TENX Coin! Guaranteed to be TENX or your money back!
your money back???
sir this is a casino
DOGE 74 cents we’re all idiots
Hey man, I bought 50000 when they were $0.008.
My sister did just rage buy $100 worth of dogecoin at $0.68 though. I’d actually forgotten that I bought her $10 worth back in 2017 for an even cheaper price than I bought mine and would’ve guessed she forgot too, but oh no. It’s now worth $3523.81. And her wallet isn’t working.
Thoughts on Elon sperm?
ETH go brrrrr
I don’t understand what’s going on, but the key to getting rich is probably some kind of enlightement where I just accept that all of this makes perfect sense just not to me, because I’m running some outdated OS with different definitions of utility and value and if I just WAKE UP I’ll understand that Elon Musk on SNL will move billions and billions of dollars and the direction just depends on what skits Lorne Michaels OKs.
Can anybody explain that there’s some actual utility or use for crypto other than investing? I’m an IT geek and I still don’t understand any of it. Can doge be used for anything other than getting rich? I’m so fucking confused.
But with that said, I dumped a little bit into ETC, LTC, and something called cartesi.
What I don’t get is why Bitcoin is a great and strong financial instrument and Dogecoin is a joke that is to be written off.
For starters, infinite supply of DOGE vs. 21 million BTC.
ETH 3900
4k incoming
10k by end of month.
Passes BTC by end of year.
I only bought some to use to burn my cube.
Which prove cubes and everything involved with them only go up.
Ya this is all you need to know to realize doge is just a gambling vehicle.