The Crypto Thread

Generally speaking, there is a BIP39 standard that AFAIK is basically what everything uses. But I haven’t used Coinbase wallet so YMMV.

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Yes indeed. I’ve done this in practice - created an account in MetaMask and then used the phrase to access the wallet programmatically in a custom program (no MetaMask involved). Works great.


The ledger lets you do active trading (via MetaMask or whatever) without your wallet phrase ever residing anywhere on your computer. So if your computer gets compromised in any way, your wallet stays safe (as long as you don’t click the button on your ledger to actively sign a transaction).

If you just use MetaMask as a “hot” wallet, if someone gets remote control of your PC after you log into MetaMask, they can sign whatever they want.

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Ok after trying to understand all that I think I’m back to just letting it ride on Coinbase and hoping for the best. :rofl:

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let me break it down for you

A hash function is a computer program that takes an input of data and returns a verifiable result, called a checksum. The input can be any source of data, and running the same hash function again will return the same checksum as the result.

For example, running your random source data of 128 bits of entropy through a hash function will always return the same result as the checksum. If you change anything in that source data, you will get a different result from the hash function.

In this step, the random source data is run through a SHA256 hash function. The first X digits of the checksum are then added to the random source data/entropy, where X is equal to the quotient of entropy divided by 32.

It is important to note that BIP39 generates the seed phrase from binary, which is 0’s and 1’s. The SHA256 hashing function returns a checksum as a sequence of numbers and letters, called hexadecimal. To get the binary bits, you will have to convert the checksum from hexadecimal format to binary format.

Your original source of random data, or entropy, plus the SHA256 checksum is divisible by 11. The BIP39 word list contains 2048 words, and each word on the list maps to 11 bits of data. In this step, break your entropy+checksum into sequential chunks of 11 bits.

It is important to slice the 11-bit chunks in sequential order. This means going from left to right, every 11 bits is grouped together. Every 11 bits represents a word in your seed phrase, and the order of the words has to be correct.

Next, convert your 11-bit sequence into decimal format. This will give you a number that maps to the BIP39 word list. In the correct order, map each 11-bit sequence to the matching word in the BIP39 word list. This is your seed phrase!

It is important to highlight that some word lists for BIP39 might start with 1. In code, the first number is always 0. This means, 2048 words are listed as 0-2047. Not 1-2048. If your BIP39 word list starts with 1 instead of 0, you will need to subtract 1 from the word list numbers to get the correct word.

still with me? no? fuck.


Then you buy your daily coffee with it right?



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I think it’s a huge deal. If people want to buy Bitcoins or apes, it’s dumb, but who cares? If crypto scammers are going to set up wildcat banks and start financial panics, then they have to be stopped.

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This setup has always been available afaik. A trainer at my gym was rocking this way before the Juicero Bike came out.

This is my favorite part about the Juicero bike though:

“It was interesting psychology that we teased out,” Peloton CEO John Foley recalled in an interview last year with Yahoo Finance. “In the very, very early days, we charged $1,200 for the Peloton bike for the first couple of months. And what turned out happening is we heard from customers that the bike must be poorly built if you’re charging $1,200 for it. We charged $2,000 dollars for it, and sales increased, because people said, ‘Oh, it must be a quality bike.’”



just buying the bitcoin ETF seems best for casual hodlers

What’s the advantage of that over just buying BTC?

After thinking about it, not having to set up a wallet (and run the risks of improperly setting up a wallet) is probably a great feature for crypto casuals. Plus having recovery options if I forget my password.

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Not having to tattoo shit on your bodies to ensure you can still access your money?

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Good piece here.

GBTC traded at 30 in 2017 when btcoin was 19k. It’s at 13 and bitcoin is at 21k.

Plus if it’s what I looked into a couple years back it has like a 2 percent expense ratio.

Your turn @beetlejuice