The Crypto Thread

Why you hef be mad?

It would be a fun prop bet to see if someone could make it to a full 365 days.


Cmon, its only game.

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but before you told me that bitcoin was elegant and marvelous

i’m not mad and if you want a life tip it’s this: if somebody doesn’t respect you and they show it, they’re probably not mad; they simply just don’t respect you

My post was an attempt at a joke, hence the funny hockey man, and like the 8 previous posts between me and L Washington

I mean, I wasnt even counting myself amongst the sad, mediocre fucks you arent mad at. Should I have been?

nah that was “the royal ‘you’”

Awww fuck, I thought we got rid of royal shit like 250 years ago

maybe it’s just me but it always feels clunky to do this:

i’m not mad and if you one/somebody/a person want(s) a life tip it’s this

Wtf is mark Levine?

ETA: Matt. Still dunno the dude.

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I mean, this is word salad, though. Bitcoin avoids fractional reserve banking by… not being a bank? This bag of Thai chilies I have also avoids fractional reserve banking and all the opacity of traditional banks. It also isn’t providing loans or most of the other financial services banks do, for better or worse.

i was like come on Matty hit me with that 3rd paragraph I know the BUT/HOWEVER/ON THE CONTRARY IN PRACTICE was coming

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ya but at the beginning of that post i said this

and over a year ago this

so not sure what to say if we’re just arguing to argue

there’s no argument you all can think of that i haven’t already contemplated and probably mentioned in this thread and, probably, agreed with

is crypto mostly a stupid scam to transfer wealth from the dumb to the less dumb? fuck yes

did i make a few dollars by selling to the crypto funds and whales and institutional investors who are underwater or liquidated, the same funds and whales that rivermang is linking to make fun of? also fuck yes

do you think bedroom traders like myself are elated and joining in on making fun of those arrogant donks? a little more of that fuck yes

i just happen to see a graph like this

and wonder what the hell we’re arguing about

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Fucking nuts that accounts earning 80x the interest rate of FDIC insured accounts were too good to be true


Can we get a Riverman containment thread? This could be a serious discussion that leads to fun and profit.


