The Crypto Thread

selling at the top?!? talk about mathematical impossibilities!

nobody wins at poker lol except the people who won at poker but we’re not talking about them lol

yeah that analogy isn’t the best settle down

did they fucking retire the day you posted this?

ok ninth post, good thing that dastardly @anon10396289 isnt here to combo break me and ruin my life




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oh snap wait



rivermang, suzzer, you et al

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VCR repairmen late 21st century

u can record the shows and watch the shows after they’re shown holy fuck

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also Hydrox™ vs Oreo™ cookies fuck talk about getting slapped in the face by the hidden hand of the market

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Foxcoinn. Great crime coin candidate too. Two birds with one coin.

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srsly tho some of these shitcoin graphs are crazy, i don’t blame you all for thinking it’s a baby tulip beanie bubble

it’s water and sugar and brown

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