The Crypto Thread


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My lawschool buddy is always sharing annecdotes from his practice, which is a niche land-use real estate practice for an Uber wealthy area similar to Palm Beach Island, but more low key. The amount of money his clients have to just throw around is insane. After one real estate transaction a client had Sent them a couple hundred K too much, so my buddy was trying to contact the client to figure out how he’d prefer to get the money back, and the guy just blew him off completely, like, “I don’t care about that.” Can’t imagine having so much money that several hundred thousand isn’t worth a moments time to deal with.

I can top that. Like 18 months ago, when the pandemic was still pandemic-ing, I was in this … basically a speakeasy, I forget when exactly, but New York bars were still closed. But I live in this small town where half the people are super liberal and half are rural-conservative but they basically all dig cocaine and vodka, and so there were, in this tiny town, two underground bars operating. They weren’t really even a “secret” since they were basically the existing bars with the windows papered over. Anyway, one evening I’m in there and I forget what I ordered, it may have been a Corona, but maybe not because I was drinking a lot of IPAs then, and still am, to be honest, but there I was with this Corona IPA thing, listening to the guys next to me, and they were trying to settle up for a bar tab, or maybe it was a running bar tab, it wasn’t clear and the numbers seemed to big to be beer-related anyway. So that’s what got my attention, I guess, the big numbers. “A half million,” said one of them, but the other dude was like, “pshaw, that ain’t nothing,” which was weird because people around here don’t talk like that, but anyway, actually, I DO remember, this was May of last year and Dogecoin was their deal, and anyway the guy was like, I don’t really care about a half million Blue Lights, and that really just stuck with me, you know?


TIL I learned there’s a bored ape restaurant in Long Beach. I’m gonna swing by on one of my walks and see how it’s going.



Someone I know had their’s stolen from their backyard! They’re like $5k dogs (plus their insane medical costs due to being brachial breeds). Love them though.

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That’s the lifetime bitcorn graph btw.

Right, and I was wondering why this is such big deal new info to you.

it’s up 37zillion% in a decade

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you all get that even if everybody wanted to buy the top, that’s mathematically impossible right?

Inside I am, but outwardly, and you might want to sit down for this champ, outwardly I’m not because at some point I learned that it was unseemly and uncouth to not take others’ thoughts and feelings into account when expressing yourself.

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lol how is that mf real

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one of fiat’s problems was it not being in my pocket and crypto solved that mf like a mf