The Crypto Thread

i just finished listening to the audiobook Billion Dollar Whale about this guy who was stealing billions of dollars for years and used almost all of it to party hard. apparently there’s some company that runs a climate-controlled vault under a mountain in switzerland that holds artworks and gives you like a receipt or something, and the guy was able to trade them without ever touching them.

Yeah, this is also not remotely new in the sports card world either.

Ran across this just now.

Copy / pasted.

“dear crypto,
I want to come clean, and I will likely tear a rift in the entire community while I’m at it and on my way out.

Over the course of these next few weeks I will be releasing 137.21GB of Telegram group chats and messages, of which I was not a part of. Why? This is all thanks to an exploit in October of 2019 that allowed one to access the group page with recent messages if proper permissions were not set up. At the time of writing this, the team at Telegram have been contacted about this. I’ve only ever seen two people mention this exploit in passing, one in person and one on Twitter, so I know I was not the only one.

Those who know me will know who I am very soon, for the rest of the populace it doesn’t matter. Due to the overwhelming amount of messages, I formally invite reputable press within the community to reach out in order to obtain sample archives from groups I’ve already curated. I will vet you because there is a conflict of interest as many are involved personally, whether being friends of those individuals in this archive or related financially in one way or another. You will receive the .7zip archive ahead of time but it will be password-protected until the 7th of July.

I have no further relationships with the people mentioned after this and will never be in contact with them in the future as of this moment.

Three years ago, a vulnerability on Telegram was discovered by a colleague of mine. He did not take it to its final outcome. By exploiting this, one could recreate an invite to view the overview page and recent messages of any Telegram group of an individual user without actually joining said group.

Between October of 2019 to May of 2022 I was collecting all messages as is in my data hoarding nature. I had written a script that downloads every message sent to any Telegram group with targetted individuals, you may know some of them as crypto influencers, while others targetted included many investors in the space. As Telegram adoption among crypto users began to grow, it began to become increasingly difficult to monitor all these group chats so I stepped away for a while and let the messages continue to download and be copied to my personal server.

For the most popular traders in the community, spying on them became a hobby. From personal events in their lives shared with their closest friend groups, to scams and rugpulls that were created on their way to success, financially and socially on Twitter. I felt like a part of it even though I had no method to interact with them. However, as they got rich, I got rich. I got myself into plenty of VC groups and soon my entire circle of friends and those I talked to became one and the same.

I did not care in the past, some of these people are looked up to in the ecosystem nowadays and the thought of these individuals commiting fraud would be dismissed in an instant. Some even moving on from their days of bygone scams under anonymous names with their groups of friends (while others continue to persist to this day).

Artists pretending to be developers, developers pretending to be artists. Those pretending to be rich, those pretending to be poor, pretending to be someone you’re not. All of that was exposed to me. All of that was this community at its core when expressing themselves to the public, usually through Twitter.

I do not know what it is about Telegram, but the alleged assurance of privacy and security meant that people became relaxed and let them express themselves freely.

It doesn’t matter to me anymore. I am dying from illnesses that are wreaking havoc on my body. Any money I made will just go on to my family, and I will disappear after that.

But not before this feeling of guilt is released from me.

Many of the individuals or projects I name will not survive this, either due to public backlash, financial fraud, or other obscure reasons such as embarrassment. Some may step down from their positions of power, others will likely ignore it as they can’t claim the messages that are archvied are fraudulent unless everyone involved in the group chats are all on the same page.

There will be confusion, there will be sadness, there will be anger and there will be frustration. I am intrigued to see what happens next but I let everyone else decide how to proceed forward.

June 15th will publish excerpts from:

  • crypto influencers, ranging from as little as 800 followers to as much as 1M followers
  • discussions pertaining to racism and homophobia, of adultery and sexual assault on members of the public and those within the crypto communities
  • those with 8-9 figures and high amounts of Twitter followers discussing rugpull projects, projects intended to scam the community and individuals, dating between Dec 2019 - Feb 2022
  • killing and stealing the crypto of an individual with a group of friends (coordinated through telegram)

June 30th:

  • project creators in the top 200 mcap projects, from yield-farming projects, to stablecoins, to AMM’s all designed from the start to siphon funds from the majority of users
  • discussions of everything included from the crypto influencers
  • invitation to orgies on private jets, in mansions, in VR settings, orgies everywhere
  • sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia including pedophilic orgies with victims as young as 8 years old
  • assassination, not once, not twice, but three times (coordinated through telegram)
  • lots of adultery and weird obsessions with ex-girlfriends by gifting them millions in dollars hoping to get them to fall back in love with you (you know who you are, just let it go)
  • asking twitter employees to personally delete and/or ban accounts relating to incriminating information

July 7th:
Everything will be released.

e135846e2594f4ddb45abee1e27c8521329e440b9af77891a29ae54f8cd71bbc - 137.21GB .7zip titled “CTGHistory”

Password will be provided and all messages on June 15th, 30th and July 7th will be available through a signed transaction at the following address: 0xdC56BCccf3fa51687f339E2425E9Bc1a2acB42Ee

I don’t require a PGP for verification. Twitter will likely take this message down, at the end of the day, I did what I could to undo the power and success granted to those that do not deserve it.

To those in my life, I am sorry but this is what I decided. I hope you understand.”


this just popped up in my crypto geek friends stuff:

likelihood of being real?

Seems oddly specific to be fake but you never know.

Seems if this was a real exploit of Telegram we’d be hearing more about it. Think they would likely have to disclose to users.

Unless they didn’t know about it.

Definitely think it’s fake, although I’m sure many things similar to what is alleged have happened / do happen.


Well that was interesting for 6 hours.

Lol - I missed that you could already download the zip, but password would be supplied only on July. Big red flag it was fake.

that space is so weird. one red flag to me reading that was the emphasis on assassinations. i really doubt ppl coordinate murder plots in something as public as chat channels.

it does seem like possibly a hackerish social engineering thing to throw something like this out there, and see who starts panicking/acting weird so they’d know who to target.

Just noticed that the file extension is .7zip, which isn’t even a real extension. Actual 7-Zip files end with .7z

Deliberate errors like that are common in trolling.

Also the “I was witness to assassination plots and orgies with children but waited to say anything until I was about to die of a mysterious illness” is pretty wtf and trollish.

The day after he dumps a “link” more BAYC jpegs will be stolen.

If he had an Edward Snowden level dump he would have just dumped it for everyone to see and peace out.

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So even if true, besides the orgies and hit jobs, everything would had been what was already discovered to be the case for most shit coins and the genesis of meme stocks.

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I wonder why every type of weird conspiracy theory involving the rich and powerful somehow involves orgies with 8 year olds. Like becoming uber-rich involves some predilection towards child rape, and everyone is like “oh yes of course.”

I wonder how closely, or if at all, these are related:

So is this Merge really happening?

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