The Crypto Thread

Rumor is this was on purpose to give yuga ammo for when they launch their own chain.

Something for everybody in here:

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(Felix from Chapo for those who don’t know)

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Saw this and thought maybe suzzer could make a bot to post these entries here to save himself some time. I especially enjoy the little “dollars grifted” in the bottom right when scrolling down past articles

I’ve never listened to Chapo. TIL one of the Chapos is named Felix


ha count me in that 21%.

I mainly like watching the yo-yo of my ethereum.

I have previously compared crypto to the early internet and I think this is interesting, it’s from February 1996 and was response to the efforts of Congress to censor the internet because of the amount of “objectionable material” on it.

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.

We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

Incredibly, it manages to maintain this self-important, melodramatic tone for many more paragraphs. I would submit that when this was written, the internet was also “a hammer in search of a nail”. Amazon was a neophyte, Google would not be founded for another two years, Wikipedia not for another five. I think the potential was more obvious than with crypto, but the culture surrounding it was equally laughable.

Meh I’ll take the opinions of jizzlord69 over some rando named ‘Paul Krugman’


Meh, seems like new technologies tend to go through a honeymoon phase that’s extremely cringy. I remember when 3D printers first came and weird nerds told me everybody would have one in their house. The internet came closest to actually being the Earth-shattering thing early proponents said it would be.

This was written in 1996? By then, anyone with half a brain could see that the internet was going to be a big thing. It was actually solving problems and not looking around for ways to justify itself.

The internet clearly took multiple massive leaps in technology in about 20 years.

The first is actually having the bandwidth available to stream audio/video that was on par with TV/Radio and other media sources.

The second was the ability to access it via mobile devices and then the expansion of the capabilities there that followed.

From my perspective, Crypto has been around for 10+ years now and I don’t see what the massive technological jump is that it can take that would take it from something I have no interest in to something I have to have.

For financial transactions both big and small, basically all my needs are being met currently. I can already send money to anybody in the works through Venmo/Paypal/Zelle and it is quick enough as to be basically instantaneous. Sure the processing takes like 10-20 seconds but getting that down to like .5 seconds just isn’t a huge improvement for me.

For the larger financial transactions, I just wired my down payment for my house from my bank to the Title Company. It took me 2 phone calls that totaled 15 minutes and a $20 fee to send six figures of cash to where it needed to go. That isn’t a huge price for me to pay to move that kind of money and have multiple points of verification and recourse if it goes to the wrong spot.


Simply using a cell phone was considered cringe until like 2006

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Immediate purchase and withdrawal options that are offered at POS at a majority of retailers. If you can tap your phone on a pad at a store and have the funds removed directly from your wallet in real time at the current rate the instant the tap happens, then it can be adopted as something other than a store of value.

But the coins that seem to be good at that kind of stuff (tons of cheap instantaneous transactions) are already in use and don’t have much value at all compared to BTC/ETH (Stellar, for example)

Sure, but the immediate withdrawal (which is around ten minutes average confirmation) being slightly quicker than a POS through your bank (which banks could also jack up the speed) just isn’t that appealing when you cut out FDIC that returns your money when you fuck up with tapping your phone.

Sure, some type of guaranteed insurance would go a long way to making it a more general use thing.

And, tbh, in order for bitcoin (or most coins) to be used as an actual commerce vehicle, the price has to be less than what it is now compared to the dollar.

Humans have simple minds. We like that 1 = 1. If I want to use my bitcoin to buy a carton of milk, and it rings up as .000000000475652936 coins, absolutely no regular Johnny on the Spot will go for it. We hate math in general, and the average math literacy in the US can’t be higher than like a 6th grade level.

When the average person’s entire life savings can be represented as .35 bitcoin or 5.6 ethereum, most people would balk at taking their 15 thousand of one thing, and turning it into less than 1 of something else.

Dummy Paul can’t wrap his tiny brain around my 6 figure monkey cartoon walking through virtual land in the metaverse. NGMI.


Right the problem with Bitcoin and Nfts is that too many people want to pay too much money for them.

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