The Crypto Thread

I keep seeing 7 days but in my case it was 2-3 weeks for each of 2 separate bank deposits separated by more than a month. I’m still salty about this since it cost me Tubby Cats. :rage:

Even just using MetaMask rather than an exchange-linked wallet (e.g., Coinbase Wallet) means you control the keys, right? MM seems like the default for almost everything at this point. I’m constantly seeing instructions and guidance geared at noobs on how to get it set up.

I think this is correct, as long as its not exchange linked.

I have never used metamask so idk for sure.

I use a ledger, and i think not being connected to the internet is an additional layer of security that meta and other online wallets lack. I think this is refered to as a cold wallet, but not sure.

Yeah a MM extension in a browser means you control the keys and seed phrase. Ledger is the same deal except keys are air gapped

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I certainly appreciate all the arguments for moving crypto assets to your own wallet, but there are lots and lots and lots of people out there who are going to lose their recovery phrase and eventually anything in those wallets. I think the risks are seriously understated about this. People lose all kinds of shit all the time. Oh, you scribbled 12 words on a piece of paper and stuck it in your secret squirrel shoe box in the closet 10 years and 3 apartments ago and you just dropped your phone in the toilet? Good luck recovering anything!

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There are things like this that can help secure your seed phrase, but yes, it places the entire burden of custody on the asset holders, which not all are prepared to assume.

Add putting that in a safety deposit box and you have my method.

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I remember reading in Ben Mezrich’s book about bitcoin that when the Winklevoss twins bought up like a zillion dollars worth of bitcoin, they put half their seed phrase in one safe deposit box somewhere in America and the other half in a box somewhere else far away from the first place.

But yeah, if you have any significant portion of your net worth tied up in crypto, it’s a good idea to put a lot of thought into your method of custody of those assets, including protection of your seed phrase.

It’s literally impossible to lose money on crypto or NFTs. They can’t be stolen, and the value only 50x’s weekly MINIMUM. Get out of here with this doomer shit



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Yeah let us know what he says because one of you have part of the story wrong. This isn’t possible.

Is it possible to just use like every 17th word in a specific Shakespeare play so that it is always recoverable?

Dumb. They just doubled their chances of ruin. Now if either of those two banks burns down or explodes, they’re fucked.

The move is to split the phrase into 2/3rds and hide it in 3 banks around the country. If a bank explodes? You have time to recover the complete phrase before one of the remaining bank vaults explodes

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Problem there is, if you can think of it, so can somebody else. I also imagine it wouldn’t be difficult for a good programmer to generate all the possible grammatically correct 12 word sentences from that list and then start trying them all.

Just tattoo your seed phrase on your penis.


I wonder how many people have generated a wallet from that list using some easily guessed sequence like Fibonacci or primes and promptly had it stolen. I bet it’s more than a few.

Would also solve the unwanted dick pick problem.


Phone stopped working saw email about funds coming from my bank, couldn’t get in saw email about funds going out. Could not get in or get a hold of anyone. Total wireless gave my number away. All my coins gone too plus money from my bank converted to bitcoin. They added the funds from my bank because I had that set up for me. What I totally don’t understand is how can a crook get my money in and out of coinbase so fast when even I add money from my bank, i am not allowed to move it off site for like a week?

There seems to be a way to instantly buy coins and then transfer them to another wallet. Plenty of stories like this out there.

The hackers used social engineering software and the "port-out scam’ to take control of Coinbase’s 2-Factor Authentication.

Gonna need some moar deetz on this. Claiming that hackers took “control of Coinbase’s 2-Factor Authentication” is an extremely disingenuous way of describing what happened here. This has some strong janitor listing job title as Lead Sanitation Engineer vibes. What is social engineering software? Is that a Nigerian prince email? I’m not saying this guy isn’t the victim here because he obviously is, and no I don’t believe he deserved this for clicking on phishing links or whatever reddit dipshits are claiming. It’s more to @WichitaDM’s point that the people begging for help are almost always cagey and evasive when pressed for just the simplest facts of the case by readers who are trying to understand exactly what transpired.

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Much respect to cleaning staff everywhere. I used to clean at a tennis club and a movie theater. You gotta engineer that shit sometimes.


Yeah I could have picked a better target like a middle management Karen with a fake job title instead of punching down on janitors. It’s a thankless job.