The Crypto Thread


Also what the fuck?

Navalny’s crypto fundraising surged after his arrest. The more than 670 bitcoin that supporters have donated via Binance and other exchanges would now be worth almost $28 million, according to blockchain data


And now any of them who are still inside Russia all going to the gulag. Good job crypto world!

If someone in Russia is donating to a terrorist organization from an account attached to their real name, idk what you want binance to do.

Navalny is not a terrorist organization.

Also lol at seamlessly transitioning over a few years from “crypto is totally decentralized, it can evade hostile governments” to “well yeah of course crypto exchanges are going to hand over your personal data to Vladmir Putin, what else do you expect?”

I’m pretty sure people have been consistent in saying that while crypto is decentralized and anonymous, exchanges aren’t. If you want to keep your crypto anonymous, you need to either find a way to get it without using an exchange that requires you to provide your name - or at some point take an extra step to anonymize the crypto.

Anytime you give an entity your name, you shouldn’t be shocked if that entity gives it over to authorities (whether Russian or otherwise).

I feel like you’re inventing a nice strawman here.


According to that article, Navalny’s is legally a terrorist organization.

An exchange isn’t “crypto”, it’s like one app compared to smart phones, you don’t have to use it if it sucks. They’re not doxxing people on the blockchain, they’re handing over data on their customers in this legal jurisdiction.

And imo if your country considers organization x to be a terrorist organization you probably shouldn’t donate to it from an account attached to your name. I mean I don’t really think about it, I don’t donate to terrorist organizations, but it seems like common sense to me.


What in the actual fuck with this terrorist organization bullshit? Are you not paying even the tiniest bit of attention to what’s going on over there right now? Russia is a terrorist organization, currently murdering and raping their way across Ukraine (and then promoting the commanders in charge). In Russia you go to jail for 15 years for speaking the truth. Their legal designations mean less than nothing.

Ordinary people trying to get money into or out out of Moscow are not going to have an air-gapped cold wallet. So the promise of crypto will only exist for crypto nerds. Great.

The attitudes in this thread absolutely blow my mind sometimes - just effortlessly flip flopping from the incredible power of crypto to decentralize and evade hostile governments - to flat out authoritarianism apologetics.

Whether or not they should be a terrorist organization is beside the point. The point is that Russia declared them one, so if you live in Russia and want to give them money, you shouldn’t do it in a way tied to your name. Like if Trump wins and declares PP a terrorist organization, that would be wrong, but you’d be an idiot to donate money to them via an account tied to your name.

Anonymizing crypto is not hard - I have no idea what a cold wallet has to do with anything (and suspect neither do you).

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Explain to me how crypto is going to live up to its promise of evading hostile governments if ordinary people need to maintain their own hardware wallet.

Tell that to the guy who keeps calling Navalny a terrorist organization like it has any relevance on this.

Ok tell me how a 55-year-old bus driver is going to get money out of Russia by using crypto but w/o using an exchange. Why am I the only one who remembers when that was the big promise? I’m starting to think this might be all just about playing the pyramid scheme, and not actually making the world a better place after all.

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Lol that’s so not remotely applicable. I’m tackling one very specific claim of crypto - made for over a decade by you and your ilk - that it will help ordinary people evade hostile governments. Please explain to me how that claim hasn’t turned out to be complete horseshit, like every other pie-in-the-sky crypto utopia claim is turning out to be, for everyone but crypto nerds?

In fact it’s even worse because people assume their bank transactions will be tracked. I doubt Binance proactively informed its Russian customers: “By the way, we’re going to turn over all your transaction history to Vladmir Putin”. People probably naturally assumed that because it’s crypto, they had some expectation of anonymity.

And now this thread is basically “Lol at you morons for trying to get money into or out of Russia, or donating to a cause your tyrannical government labels a terrorist organization.” Sucks to be you bro!

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This isn’t stopping regular Russians from using crypto exchanges or using binance.

Here’s how the bus driver gets his rubles out without getting on a terrorist watch list: use binance normally but don’t donate to terrorist organizations directly from that binance account.

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And if Russia decides that transfering money out of the country is enough to land one in the gulag? What then?

And seriously - what in the hell is wrong with you on this terrorist organization stuff? Some really weird authoritarian vibes leaking out. Navalny is the opposition to Putin. He’s in jail for trying to make Russia less of a tyrannical dictatorship. Do you honestly have zero idea what’s going on in the world right now?

Bro I agree, but legally they’re calling it a terrorist organization. We can’t ignore that part of this story

Yes we can. The whole point of crypto was supposed to be a way to get around hostile governments. Remember that? Or are we just admitting it’s all about the pyramid scheme now?


That would be a much different story and I imagine Russia would pull the licenses of every crypto exchange along with every international bank at the same time

So people assumed that Binance was collecting KYC information just for shits and giggles? What did they think Binance was going to do with that information? This would be like bitching when the telephone company gives over your phone history to the government. If you want to make anonymous calls, get a burner phone (but don’t buy that burner phone with a method that can be linked to you). If you want to send crypto anonymously, use an anonymous crypto account.

If you have no other options you go with the one you at least hope will keep your transaction history anonymous. Binance isn’t based in Russia. They didn’t have to turn over the data. They did for money. Raw capitalism at its finest.

The larger point remains - crypto is a joke for evading hostile governments if you’re still inside that country. And no one here cares because it was never about the nonsense cryptopia claims.

NFT games though and metaverse. We still believe in that one for the moment right?

Aww how quaint, looks like there’s at least one true believer left:

But good news I guess, Binance apparently now isn’t letting anyone get their money out of Russia: