The Crypto Thread

So glad the John Silver/Anna Jay meme format is going mainstream.

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This is now a memes thread because I may kill myself otherwise


Dunno if the pictures are that accurate

future person: hey check this out [does simple 2-second dance move]

me: alright

future person: thatā€™s worth 23 trillion dollars

me: wow

future person: lol yeah i know, itā€™s pretty crazy


why premier league managers though?

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I do apologize as I did come across as some know it all douchbag. My opinion, is that you could have a serious liquidity issue if demand falls flat so I was kinda being serious when i made the post a while back that we need to all increase our elation by 1% a week into perpetuity for this shit to actually work. So the time to sell would be sometime on the way up but that never seems to be the common time to do so which is by design.

mfers up to $5600 for the cheapest piece. thatā€™s 600% in the two weeks since i first mentioned it. i feel like a mfer should be the mascot for this forum, but you guys arenā€™t ready yet

So the market cap on mfers is $56,000,000. Should I quit my jobs for a few months and just try to launch NFTs?


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Wait no. I meant no.

way more than that. thatā€™s if they were all as lame as the cheapest one for sale rn. there are also rare ones like these:

Respect to anyone making money off that, but thatā€™s the dumbest thing Iā€™ve seen on the internet for some time

Wait till you find out how much beetlejuiceā€™s avatar is worth.

You should see pakā€™s discord.

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Yeah, I had enough money in '02. To burn it in front of you

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What if it isnā€™t that Iā€™m not ready and I know there is money to be made here, at least for awhile for savvy/coding savvy people as a lot of individual things are going to 0 percent even if this space thrives, but I just donā€™t want to waste my finite lifespan trading gifs on the internet?

I dont mean that as judgmental either. Much love to all who are making money at this and especially those who enjoy doing it. Unstuck is my favorite finance bro forum on the internet and I enjoy learning some about the space from afar on this thread. I just do sort of laugh at the binary outcomes presented of either you are deep in NFT/crypto or just donā€™t get it at all. Some of us just kind of donā€™t want to play the game even if we see thereā€™s some money in it.

Wait this is a finance bro forum?

Well, not always. Sometimes we take a break and yell at each other in the COVID thread.

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Itā€™s been said before but you donā€™t need to do any coding to make substantial money although it helps to be able to code. Also I am guessing you are underestimating the possible gains unless ā€œsome moneyā€ is much larger than my definition.

Good. It isnā€™t for me, but Im happy for everyone who chooses to spend their time doing it and enjoys it.