The Crypto Thread

Physical collectible fractionalization!


Post from Moxie Marlinspike that I found a good read.


Peter Schiff is another con artist. He wants you to buy gold from him at a huge mark up and has some kind of offshore money management scam going. Also, he has been predicting hyperinflation since ~2008 (probably earlier than that but this is when he started getting on television).


Long before 2008. He was doing the same shtick in the late 90s, then he was briefly right with the dotcom crash, then he wasn’t again.

the doomsday people always crack me up

though I actually do think some point in our lifetime they’ll be right, but they’ve been calling it for so long you have to just ignore them

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If memory serves me right, I believe he moved himself and his hedge fund to Puerto Rico which has some very favorable tax laws (0% federal tax on capital gains). I don’t know if there is anything more to it than that, but bypassing those taxes would certainly help yearly returns. I believe there is a burgeoning crypto community on Puerto Rico for this same reason.

Oh god, it’s so annoying to hear people shill their own bags


Crypto bros have more spine than Spotify. (Waiting for Riverman to post about how all your dirty stock holders are on the same side as Ek/Rogan).

Cliffs - team member at ENS (company that allows you to get .eth name for your wallet) posted homophobic comments in 2016 and then doubled down as a good catholic when they were found. ENS DAO members voted to remove him from position with DAO and then company terminated him.


No freeze peach in cryptoland? Count me out

If you were holding out for a Super Bowl I gif, today’s your day:

NFL soon gonna be known as the Non-Fungible League.

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Given that 95% of tickets today are digital, having them as an NFT makes complete sense. I still have my ticket stub collection from my childhood and would absolutely love to have an NFT collection of tickets from games I went to.

finally got some digital art.

wichita got a much cooler one from the same collection


my 5 year old could have digitally generated that.

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That circle is throwing me off.

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This asshole made six figures on these today, I’d say you should definitely encourage your 5 year old to do the same

Couldn’t work out what an edible nft might be but luckily they explain it all …

bonecoin steps

Much clearer :)


Getting paid to eat hot wings is the most web3 thing I’ve heard all day