The Crypto Thread

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Oh wow, I remember the L0pht guys. One of their greatest skills, as shown in this video, was self promotion.

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I dunno this just sounds like people who donā€™t understand ā€œWeb 2.0ā€ pretending they understand ā€œWeb 3.0ā€

What is the ā€œmobile internetā€?

Cos Iā€™m an old I use my mobile for the the alarm clock/timer :), occasional phone calls and messages and some web browsing/email - I donā€™t use any other apps really outside of that functionality. Still very much a desktop/laptop user.

Iā€™m assuming the mobile internet is refering to the messaging/tiktoking/instagraming type apps etc which the metaverse is the next stage of. Social interaction as opposed to utility.

The next stage of the mobile internet I was most interested in was the Internet of Things but that seems to have turned into a shit-show.

Iā€™m too lazy to find numbers, but mobile decisively overtook desktop some time ago. This is especially true in less wealthy nations where many canā€™t afford a full computer system but most have basic smart phones.

The metaverse isnā€™t a real thing.




420.69 ETH isnā€™t cool, you know what is? 696969.69 ETH


Worst thing about Ethereum jail is how much gas you have to pay to go there.


That gas is no joke, I thought Iā€™d be cool and buy a neat gif on OpenSea and then found out the gas was 6 times as much as the gif and now Iā€™m sad.


Do you know what the gas is going to be before you pull the trigger?

Didnā€™t someone put a small child porn image into the btc blockchain a few years ago? I seem to recall that and all that came of it was bitcoin haters frothing for a day or two.

The appearance of the images prompted police to investigate. has since closed the blockchain browsing service.

In addition, Money Button has banned the user that uploaded the material.

It has also put in place filtering systems to spot when anyone tries to upload similar content. Money Button is part-funded by nChain.

This is a pretty good, circumspect overview of everything thatā€™s going on. Worth the read for haters who can still be a bit open minded.

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My initial/near-term skepticism over Web3 comes from many of the prominent business models being either based upon middlemen taking exorbitant fees or recreating the existing fucked up financial system/increasing financialization which kind of seems like the opposite of what it is supposed to be doing.

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