The Crypto Thread

Is there a good primer on stablecoins which includes an explanation of why some people consider Tether to be sketchy?

Pretty sure USDC is audited and you can find audit online. Edit: here you go:

Agree that Tether is a concern.

here 'ya go:

It isnā€™t a huge systemic problem so long as people who use those coins continue to believe it isnā€™t a huge systemic problem. I mean itā€™s already pretty well known that many (most? all?) of them arenā€™t fully backed by real assets. Nevertheless, their values rarely deviate very far from peg.

Like I said to cytri, I canā€™t pretend it makes much sense to me either. At some point you just have to accept that if everybody else says itā€™s worth $1 then itā€™s worth $1. And if eventually something happens to change everybodyā€™s opinion, then itā€™s not worth $1 anymore.

Iā€™m confused why crypto guys would want to peg their assists to US dollars if they believe USD is all a PRINTER GO BRRRR scam.


Is this a reasonable summary of the issues some people have with Tether?

And what are the feelings on central bank digital currencies?

This is not an audit. Itā€™s an attestation. With zero detail. This isnā€™t transparency, itā€™s a fucking joke. Sure, less of a joke than Tether but still.

a token pegged to usd makes decentralized token swaps work fluidly. short-term traders will jump into usdt if they think crypto is gonna go into a down cycle, and theyā€™ll hold usdt because theyā€™re just waiting for the right moment to jump back in.

if tether only holds 10% or 20% of circulating usdt at a time iā€™m not that concerned. modern banks are like under 5% i think. and iā€™m not expecting a ton of usdt holders running to exchanges to trade for cash. i feel like if youā€™re in usdt youā€™re not holding it for the dollar value, youā€™re holding for the buy crypto opportunity, so even if crypto is totally crashing, i think usdt holders would hold tighter because thatā€™s what theyā€™re waiting for. like if they wanted the cash they could make it cash at any time.

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Prretty much. This is clearer imo:

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Itā€™s funny I remember being told all this tether stuff in ~2016 or 2017. Itā€™s probably been around even longer because Iā€™m not active in the space.

iā€™ve been hearing about tether imploding and the crypto crashing since 2014. wen burst?

Until they canā€™t because there isnā€™t any cash left is the risk. Bank deposits are insured now because bank runs used to be a thing.

Maybe never? Idk. Arbitrage bots may be able to support the peg indefinitely. I guess Iā€™m more bothered that theyā€™re obviously operating a scam and weā€™re all on the wrong side of it.

To be fair, my entire life Iā€™ve heard Libertarians of versions stripes tell me thereā€™s going to be a hyperinflation crisis and that hasnā€™t happened.

but i want crypto to crash and beetlejuice to be poor again :frowning:


You can use me as a surrogate. Iā€™m still poor.

i dunno man, you sure seem to know a lot about those rich people thingies

Looks like Iā€™m not the only one that thinks Jewel is a Ponzi.

Lol iā€™m somehow blocked on twitter by @cnew27 and i donā€™t know who that is