The Crypto Thread

tulip mania definitely did not last 80 years

it was like 3, in the era where going from one town to another took days

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How much longer do I have to live before you admit that Iā€™m immortal? Cuz Iā€™ve been at this even longer than Bitcoin!

you keep bringing up the ā€˜i dont care about money all i care about my principles plus i donā€™t fomoā€™ stoic attitude and thatā€™s fine, but utterly meaningless to the discussion of bitcoin as a financial investment.

Youā€™re ngmi.

Yeah I had that wrong I guess. Bulbs were introduced in the 1550s, and steadily increased in price, but didnā€™t really go bananas until 1634.

Iā€™m not sure what you think it happening. There is no ā€œcouldā€. It is a thing that many of us are doing right now. We deposit tokens in some investment that pays out real returns at either a fixed or variable rate. We then take those returns and do whatever the heck we want with them - compound back into the investment, move somewhere else, or cash out and rub on titties. When weā€™re tired of that investment we withdraw the original stake (which may have increased in value on its own) and do something else with it.

I had the exact same arguments like this on the TMF boards in the dotcom bubble. You donā€™t understand the new economy, the old rules donā€™t apply anymore, weā€™re all going to IPO ourselves someday, money has a different definition now, I just know my stock keeps going up and you keep being wrong, etc.

Until the crash came. Then everyone disappeared and the boards were immediately no fun. There were no bulls left to even spike the football on. And even if there were, it was just sad.

The stocks all cratered until the value investors finally swooped in and got some insane deals.

Iā€™m interested in the political implications of cryptocurrency.

Anyway, we do this every 6 months or so. Iā€™ll bow out. I donā€™t know anything that is going to happen. I could certainly be wrong.

Over a long enough timeline, everything fails. So predicting eventual failure will always be correct.

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i dunno my man, have you done well financially since then? like I havenā€™t. since the point of this specific game is to make money and iā€™ve failed at it, my instinct is to assume i know shit and re-examine my position. your instinct is to assume youā€™re right but that your righteousness has not manifested itself yet.

to each his own. the asshole with the monkey avatar will bury us all anyhow


Youā€™ve made this exact post for like 5 years now man.

Yeah Iā€™ve done really well in the stonk market. A lot of luck and plus stonks just keep going up.

Iā€™m the guy who would reluctantly get into BTC way after seeing my friends make a ton at it. You donā€™t want to be that guy. Youā€™ll always be the tail at the end of the whip. So I just donā€™t play.

Getting old is a bitch.

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I, for one, am rooting for the eventual heat death of the universe rather than seeing another cryptobro pump on twitter.


Uh, that my position on how this eventually ends has remained the same?

Fwiw i would give up 90% of my net worth for all crypto to go to 0 tomorrow morning


The dotcom collapse eventually happened. The bears were right on that one.

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If crypto mining becomes more popular, you just might get your wish.

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