The Crypto Thread

There’s tons of other quality of course, but I’ve been here and the discord since the beginning. I’m too lazy to turn of notifications most of the time. I’ve read too much!

It’s just how the brain works. At the prices for most coins/nfts, and especially if you want to make meaningful money, justification is needed for the initial investment.

Harold memes are evergreen.

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This is all it is. We are firmly at the stage where there is nothing you can do about it though. You live in a highly corrupt system in a late stage capitalism death spiral. Money and assets are the only thing that can insulate you and your loved ones from it. Morality and right and wrong has nothing to do with it but none of us had anything to do with creating this system.

I almost bought BTC really early on, but even if I had I would have doubled up and cashed out anyway. I wanted to buy ETH when it was around $800 (I think 2020, maybe late 2019) but it was too confusing lol. Fuck it I have enough, I’m just going to be satisfied with my old school investments and try not to do anything stupid that I don’t understand.

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I dont see it as that actually. I know way more people who will make money than the bag holders. Going back to 2015 me and my friends used to grind live poker, go for food after at 4 AM and 90% of the talk would be crypto.

As someone who plays a ton of poker still, I’m fine with most people losing.

It’s not done here, I just hate the hype shit for pump/dumps.

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Boy, if you want people not to think Crypto people are scum this is a horrible comparison

The thesis is actually really simple: short-term supply and demand. For most of this stuff, the supply is already known / locked in advance*. That means you only need to figure out one side of the equation (demand). Obviously that’s easier said than done and there are no crystal balls or prescient prediction machines, but that is the game aspect of this and the “fun” part.

Some are easier to figure than others though. For example, Fvckrender (a digital artist) had two drawings yesterday on Nifty Gateway for holders of his work. Both were x/20 editions for $500. Here’s the art:

Yes, that’s five hundred American dollars for some squiggly gifs, the same price as an elusive PS5 disc. If you look at the NG marketplace for Fvckrender’s previous work, you’ll see that the cheapest piece available is a x/170 edition for ~$6500. Based only on that information, do you think you’d be able to determine whether winning yesterday’s $500 drawing was a profitable event?

*Sometimes the supply side can be the wrinkle. For example, we were cold on the most recent Funko NFT (Bob Ross) due to that market cooling off. Funko had steadily increased the supply of packs in their drops to the point that the most recent one (Star Trek) was not profitable to buy. However, the Bob Ross packs didn’t completely sell out, and in an unusual twist, it was decided that the unsold packs would be burned and not sold. Some mints are open editions and only close after a set time, so that’s a bit different. Of course, there’s also total NFT supply in the aggregate that’s increasing over time but that’s more of a macro thing to consider.

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Havent we always been taught that lotteries are for suckers?

you don’t pay to enter the drawing. winning the drawing is winning the opportunity to buy it for a low low price

Buying nfts is not easy

How does one get into the drawing?

usually you just gotta be on the website at the drop time and click a button

You had to own one of the artists previous works if i read correctly. I would also accept “artist” and “work”

How many sets of quotation marks would you accept around a description for a person who tapes a banana to a wall?

How many art works of his did you buy?

I never quite understood why “some real life artists also suck”. like that would be somewhat of an argument in forum sure

I cant afford them so zero. It takes a real high roller to be able to buy a banana taped to a wall (do you get to keep the wall?). I can only afford jiggly gifs.

in web3 metaverse, artwork buys you!

So I need zero investment and only need to be somewhere to click a button at a given time and Ill be able to buy a limited edition (monkey, squiggle, redneck, whatever)?

no. some exhibitions include a work or two that are like that. like this spring beeple had a free drawing for a /100 mint piece.

most aren’t open to anyone, there’s some kind of filter like previous owners of x can enter the drawing for a free or discounted new y

there’s almost always a drawing for a limited edition piece that is open to everyone but costs money for the winners, and you’re not guaranteed anything as successful as an ape or a squiggle, it’s a gamble. an easy/fun way to gamble on the art economy with future internet money.