The Crypto Thread

Update on our white nationalist Canadian math wizard hacker:

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Haralolbob is now a pump and dumper? Man how far heā€™s fallen

Iā€™m still under the belief crypto either rockets back up or crashes with 0 in between next year.

Feels more likely the latter based on those people leaving their jobs for it articles but idk.

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Might come down to whether anybody manages to launch a game or metathingy that draws in normal people. Thatā€™s the only thing in the near term that seems like maybe thereā€™s an actual use case. Everything else is either NFTā€™s or smoke and mirrors finance platforms funding other smoke and mirrors finance platforms bringing solutions nobody wants for things they donā€™t perceive as problems.

People like having their finances centralized. People like having everything centralized. Roll out the Disney+ Metaverse on the Chase-Visa Smartchain sponsored by Coke. That shit would have a $50 trillion market cap.


I just still keep coming back to my central thesis:

For something that has created Trillions of value in 10 years, Iā€™d think Cryptocurrency would have accomplished more by now.

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No amount of flowery libertarian-adjacent techbro word salad can change the simple fact that cryptocurrency is a) not a store of value and b) only actually useful or necessary to drug dealers, hitmen, child pornographers and assorted other criminals.

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Itā€™s basically just modern day Wildcat Banking.

More simply, just look whose team youā€™re on! Iā€™d prefer not to be on the same side as Elon Musk and the Winkelvii.

Tom Wambsgans : Iā€™ve seen an average people who make reasonable decisions get fucked, a lot. But Iā€™ve never seen a psychopath libertarian tech bro get fucked once.


Crypto smells bad, too.

Crypto being worth trillions is a silly/stupid/nonsensical situation in a vacuum.

Then again the ā€œnormalā€ world is pretty messed up and nonsensical also. We have a literal fraudster in Elon Musk being the richest man in the world. A literal fraudster and criminal in Donald Trump rising to president. Stocks are up 200% or something since the start of the pandemic. Interest rates have been basically zero for 20 years. Teardowns are selling for $1 million+. People refuse to take life saving vaccines because reasons. I could go on and on but crypto isnā€™t really any more absurd or nonsensical than anything else currently going on in the world. Itā€™s a symptom of the overall absurdity rather than the unicorn it gets seen as.


You left out c) source of millions of dollars of income for UP members in 2021.


tbf, if you own index funds youā€™re on the side of horrible dipshits as well.


Everyone here probably has at least some money in a 401k right, is that unethical?

Iā€™m confused as to whose side of capitalism we want to be on? Or are we supposed to support fiat since governments are so good?

I have neither.

This is a pretty old trope at this point. Crypto is still used for illegal activity, but itā€™s the more minor stuff like illegal online gambling that makes up most of it. This is because itā€™s way easier to track illegal activity paid for with crypto than if itā€™s paid for in cash. I guarantee your local drug dealer would rather be paid in cash than Bitcoin, because with Bitcoin thereā€™s a permanent record of them receiving that payment.

I donā€™t really understand the constant hatred of crypto either. Just look at it as an alternative investment that you can choose to participate or not participate in. As others have said, everyone who has money in a 401k is de facto supporting some evil people. All of us have certainly participated in some activities with questionable legality given the gambling background of most on this forum. Why this one particular thing breaks so many peoples brains that they feel the need to shit on it with zero understanding or participation in the topic is weird to me.

I used to find it funny to make jokes about it too, but then I actually tried to learn about it and have made the decision to participate in it with a small portion of my net worth. That was my decision, and youā€™re perfectly right to make the decision to not participate in it if you donā€™t believe in it. But itā€™s almost become like a religious thing for some of you where itā€™s not enough that youā€™ve made that decision, you need to convert everyone else to your side and ridicule those who donā€™t. Thatā€™s the part where I fail to understand your motivation.


You ā€œdid the research.ā€ Got it.

Itā€™s not a trope, itā€™s basic logic. People conducting legal transactions can and do just use actual money.

I mean, its value is measured in dollars. Exclusively. Which really tells you all you need to know.

Itā€™s not a religious thing, itā€™s a political thing. Personally, I hate libertarianism and am increasingly skeptical towards capitalism. I would be more favorable towards crypto if someone could give me a path towards it harming libertarians and capitalists.

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