The Crypto Thread

Did you see a Pak 1/1 sell for over 1 mil yesterday?

If you want to invest in NFTs invest in Pak. An actual artist with decades of experience. The perfect blend of serious artist and internet troll for modern times.


I didnā€™t. A quick Google search didnā€™t show anything but did make reference back to the original Sothebyā€™s thing back in April that I vaguely recall. Will take a look. But at those prices I may just stick acquiring LeWitt prints instead.

This has to be an exaggeration, right?


can you guess how much beetlejuiceā€™s avatar is worth? (they own it)

I would normally say yes, but I dont take Witchita to generally be the exagerating type

I had an idea for grifting NFTs, but it looks like some Israelis beat me to it with CryptoVerses. Still, theyā€™re doing the Hebrew Scriptures, which means someone else can start with the Gospels. Whoā€™s in?

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not the worst idea iā€™ve ever heard tbh. i think youā€™d be the first. at least iā€™m not aware of a project like this rn

i wish this could be an idea that could have collectors thinking theyā€™d have a modern-age first edition guttenberg bible, but the cultural aspect of the bible is diminished at this point with that damned gideon giving it away for free, i mean nobody new is seeing the bible through nft

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fwiw iā€™m not sure myself but iā€™d guess 40 eth at the minimum (so like 150k?)

Yeah, I have been the same. I made a bunch on BTC basically by accident, but everything else I hear about it and assume Iā€™m nowhere near plugged-in enough to have heard about it in time, then watch bemused as it goes to the moon. Letā€™s make a pact with each other that the next random meme phenomenon we hear about, weā€™ll buy into it immediately. The more idiotic sounding the better. Iā€™ll PM you if I remember.

Certificates traditionally point to a unique thing one actually owns, which is not the case with NFTs. The token is unique, but the thing it certifies that you own is not. The only thing you in fact own is the token.

Put it this way - if I own a piece of land and someone trespasses on it, I can call the police and have them removed (or shoot them, depending on jurisdiction). If I own a Picasso or a Penny Black or something, it can be stolen from me. Other than stealing the token from you, what offence could I commit - even in theory - against your ownership of one of those ape things? If you canā€™t actually do anything with this thing you ā€œownā€ and me stealing it from you is not even a coherent idea, then in what sense do you own it?

Of course, ultimately things only have value because people agree that they do, so itā€™s pointless arguing that NFTs are worthless. What you own is the token plus a social abstraction where people agree that this confers some status on you. But I think the analogy of NFTs to ownership in the real world is a shaky one.

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there is a law firm on retainer who supposedly gave bayc NFT owners legal ownership of the IP of their ape, but it hasnā€™t been tested in court and iā€™m not a lawyer so i wouldnā€™t be able to judge how itā€™d work out if arizona iced tea started using my ape in a commercial

but ape ownership isnā€™t about the image, itā€™s the club. you get access to a social media exclusive to token holders and imo itā€™s worth more than mar-a-lago which is $400k ykwim?


Read this twitter thread. (And also anyone else that NFT hasnā€™t clicked for yet). It may make them click for you.


People are buying top shots when they can see the video for free.

I donā€™t know how much technical knowledge or work is required for a project like this. I may have just given away a money making idea just by posting it here.

My basic premise is that religious folk are a prime constituency for being grifted, therefore come up with something that appeals to them.

right and topshot has the blessing of the NBA. if we had the blessing of the pope iā€™d agree weā€™d have a million dollar idea

this comes back to the merging with the art world i talked about. if you threw some paint on a canvas itā€™s not gonna fetch jackson pollock prices in any universe. but if pollockā€™s son threw some paint itā€™d be worth still less than that but more than yours. if hunter biden throws some lines on a canvas it has cultural value even if it isnā€™t groundbreaking idk if iā€™m making sense iā€™m drunk


I just want to know what neo-lib candidate I can support so all your glorious, hard earned crpyto and NFT gains arenā€™t ever taxed before theyā€™re realized.


So uhā€¦ about that guillotine


Oh. I would use the King James version, which is a Protestant translation in the public domain. The popeā€™s blessing doesnā€™t matter.

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Hey but thereā€™s a JPEG in this thread that is worth twice this. HFSP (with me)

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i do think there is value in being the first to do the gospels, sure. it could absolutely be enhanced to something real by having like, you know, some megachurch pastor promoting it, maybe throw him 50k or something for some tweets