The Crypto Thread

the possible hypothetical moral high ground position and opposition to “get rich quick” is “don’t get rich” and not “get rich a little slower” like lol what the fuck are you even talking about

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They were playing my buddies venue in Feb but I skipped it. Seen them twice plus Mt zion once, kind of enough.

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Excellent for exchanging FOR fentanyl, though.


The “oh my stars I can’t believe riverman is happy people are losing money” gets an eye roll from me. His position, right or wrong, was always that this was a bubble ready to burst. He’s clearly happy about thinking he’s right.


Best part is he’s got to experience that feeling several times now, probably on average about once every year for the past 9 years.



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Well they’ve never been close to the OKC metro afaik. So im stoked!

It might have been Mt zion where I had one of the two migraines I’ve had as an adult so that show sucked. Post rock with a migraine is not fun!

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Where is this forum?


I’m genuinely curious to see what happens from here where all of the other Crypto crashes have been in a broader bull market and good economy.

At this point, Crypto basically behaves like a leveraged Nasdaq ETF with less of a backstop because there are no real profits or assets backing it up. I’m wondering how long the slide continues if say S&Ps are at 1500 a year from now.

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i miss fly


Yeah if s and P is at 1500 btc is probably below $1500 lol

Pretty sure a lot of crypto investors think Bill Gates is an evil man plotting to destroy the world through vaccines and other means so they wouldn’t care what he thinks.

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Where is the new money supposed to come from now? True believers are fully invested and the public is catching on to the scam.

Crypto is only 1T in market cap, less now.

Equities is like 100T.

Not enough people employed in crypto → unemployed to have any spillover effects.

The fed continuing to raise int rates will have most of the impact on equities and real estate.

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Seems legit

It’s a little ironic that the money printer going brrrr was the thing keeping Bitcoin humming all along.


Kind of makes sense when you think about it more though.

considering you were trolling people who were concerned about inflation just a few months ago you should probably just realize you know absolutely nothing about macroeconomics.