The Crypto Thread

Crypto. He was the 2nd highest volume trader on one of the biggest exchanges at one point.

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you can capture and torture him till he gives up the truth.

crypto is pretty public and awice has been stupidly successful. he was pumping solana for a long time which by itself would make him a multi millionaire.

sure, he probably lies constantly and hides his bad takes because his status is worth everything in the pump n dump industry, but it’s so strange how everyone here keeps trying to rationalize why he isn’t actually super rich.


Good lord, how do you get cleaned out in a market that’s gone up 10,000%? That is an epic degen move.

So does losing $100 million leverage trading mean you actually lost $100M, or you lost your leveraged $100M and actually lost $10M or $1M or whatever?

The same way he spun it up essentially.

Well I’ll just say the picture of him in front of two fancy cars in a parking lot didn’t impress me a whole lot.

I’m always just curious what is 100% verified in these situations.

There are some gambling degens who if they have 1 million they want to make it into 10. If they have 10 they want to make it into 100. No amount of money is ever enough and they will be very, very lucky to not go busto. I’m not rooting against these kind of people, but it’s hard to root for them bc they have to get so, so lucky to not go bust.

And yet here they still are not having lost it all.

You borrow 100M to buy alt coins that go bust and now some very angry people want their money back. Who the fuck makes these kinds of loans is an interesting question.

Yea I’m not an Awice shill by any means. He mistimed the market badly in May and again in July. He also tried to release an NFT which flopped (but he did offer and follow through on refunding anyone who bought). He’s obviously made some sick early calls though and I’d imagine he’s still worth 8 figs (who knows maybe not).

Nope he actually lost his own money.

The lending markets are all automated with smart contracts. If you have the collateral you get the loan. If it goes sideways you get liquidated. The end.


i’d bet good money he is worth at least 8 figs right now.

just as some people made terrible bets, some made really good ones. he might even be good at trading.

So it’s basically verified that he had at least $100M at one point, which he could have liquidated to cash if he wanted, and then lost it?

Obviously he still has some money. I’m just trying to get a handle on what is 100% known.

I think you guys underestimate how many people have made insane money through crypto. Timex guessed 25k people cleared 8 figs.

8 figs could be $10M. $100M would put him at the tippy top I’m guessing?

All we really know is that he made about 300,000 or so betting on Trump. It’s hard to imagine him being in crypto the past five years and not being worth 8 figs, but anything is possible.

He was earlier and more correct (and more degen) than most though.

Yeah I’m not arguing against that at all. Just trying to ascertain what we know for my own curiosity. I’m still unclear if he could have legitimately walked away with $100M if he wanted to.