The Crapto Thread

I could see it fucking over a lot of retirees who need to now go back to work. I wonder how things are going down in the Villages.


where do we stand on ā€œfucking dorkā€?

Are there really that many retirees putting money in crypto?

Generally? Hopefully not. But buying Bitcoin at 60k sounds like the kind of thing that I imagine retirees in the Villages doing.

We can only hope.


Well thatā€™s what I get for trying to have an interesting convo. Iā€™ll just sit back and read this scintillating shit.


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Ask Jman to ask Suzzer if the tulip mania and tulip bubble was a ponzi. Thereā€™s enough grey matter there that their brains might explode.

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Itā€™s objectively interesting, it just made you uncomfortable for reasons Iā€™m not sure of.

I think dork might be a little too informal, maybe go with dorkus. Nobody* can be mad at being called a fucking dorkus, that shitā€™s funny.
*Some people Iā€™m sure will be mad at being called a dorkus.

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dorkus maximus

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Dude, crypto hodling is mostly millennials with free money who never traded before covid. There arenā€™t going to be any old geezers going back to work because someone stole their keys.



I think youā€™re underestimating how many normies jumped in at the height of the craze. Those are also the normies who werenā€™t holding their own keys, they were buying products that involved a lot of these scams.

But since Iā€™m here, yeah, Iā€™m mad. I mean I donā€™t quite think thatā€™s the best descriptor but for lack of a better one, sure, this thread makes me mad.

Itā€™s like you guysā€™ sole animus is to mock peoplesā€™ pain, and if there isnā€™t pain youā€™ll invent some in your mind to mock. Like I said I donā€™t think ā€œmadā€ is the best word but I definitely find it awful and gross.

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Itā€™s always projectionā€¦

Thatā€™s true. There are 8 billion people in the world but only one is mad at a time. I was pretending it was you but it was actually me.


wait sorry
