The Crapto Thread

Twenty somethings who work together have sex with each other. Next on breaking news the sun will come up tomorrow. That’s some stellar journalism.

Or maybe who you’re fucking at the time isn’t really a good criterion for who you should form a company with.


It’s standard American anti-sex idiocy and nothing more.

Workers in the same company should not sleep together. It’s terrible for business and company morale, also the reason that HR wants to know about every relationship that happens and workers can be fired for not disclosing sexual relationships. Hiring/ promotions/ and performance rating decisions can’t be made based on sex.

You really want to bang your coworker go get a job at a different company and then try to.


Half your capital WAS on ftx


“SBF is a ruthless utilitarian who is dedicating his life to making as much money as possible because he thinks it’s a moral imperative to spend that money in worthy causes” is properly an argument against putting your money in his custody!

almost 1/4 of people met their spouse at work. This just isn’t how the world works.

And I bet > 1/4 of women have felt awkward or unwanted advances in the workplace from coworkers.

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Yeah that was what planted the idea in my head.

We should never seek to change how the world works.

Orgy plane!

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I wonder what South American countries don’t? Venezuela and that’s it? I don’t really feeling like googling and getting on some NSA list.

I’m sure I’m already on their list, so I did it for you. From Wikipedia, US has extradition treaties with countries in blue.

So UAE if you have cash, Vietnam if you don’t.

I wouldn’t put it past Mr. “I never read books and am always 10x smarter than anyone else in the room” to just tell pilot to head to Argentina because it worked for the Nazis. And then googling along the way find out they do in fact have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

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I enjoyed Mongolia. Brutal winters though. Tangier might be cool.

Extradition treaties might not be fully complied with, if relations are rough, such as with Venezuela.

Looks like Bali is grey. We have a winner! He’ll be right at home with all the digital nomad drop-shipper/online marketer/cyrpto choads.