The Crapto Thread

Aw sheeit probably down in the few jpegs i’m still holding, forgot about that.

The only other reference to this tail # and SBF together that I could find is 4-ch@n saying “SBF is pulling a Hitler”.

Not anymore! It’s been liberated to cumsock.eth.


what kind of madlibs shit is this


If x = 0, 2x = 0; if x > 0, 2x > x > 0.

Do you not understand that or are you pretending to not understand that in order to talk some shit like usual?


This is true though. There are people like you who think they should have more money simply because they already have money, and there are people like myself who think that any monetary reward should have sufficient risk attached. In a fair world the former would be eating dirt pancakes in east Africa without internet access, but alas here we are.

Are you saying that you’ve done too much cocaine and that’s why you already abandoned our conversation? Cocaine doesn’t work that way, you’re lying about things as usual.

That wasn’t your point. If it was it’s way dumber than I even suspected, but I don’t believe it was.

I didn’t plan this but I happened to reply to your point directly above, in case you need a refresher.

@6uxx responding to this post, of course

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So you didn’t really want to discuss how much I’m up or down this week?

my bad i forgot


(This tweet is very sketchy though)

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This is amazing.

Bankman-Fried showed several spreadsheets to the heads of the company’s regulatory and legal teams that revealed FTX had moved around $10 billion in client funds from FTX to Alameda, the two people said. The spreadsheets displayed how much money FTX loaned to Alameda and what it was used for, they said.

The documents showed that between $1 billion and $2 billion of these funds were not accounted for among Alameda’s assets, the sources said. The spreadsheets did not indicate where this money was moved, and the sources said they don’t know what became of it.

In a subsequent examination, FTX legal and finance teams also learned that Bankman-Fried implemented what the two people described as a “backdoor” in FTX’s book-keeping system, which was built using bespoke software.

They said the “backdoor” allowed Bankman-Fried to execute commands that could alter the company’s financial records without alerting other people, including external auditors. This set-up meant that the movement of the $10 billion in funds to Alameda did not trigger internal compliance or accounting red flags at FTX, they said.

In text messages to Reuters, Bankman-Fried said he “disagreed with the characterization” of the $10 billion transfer.

“We didn’t secretly transfer,” he said. “We had confusing internal labeling and misread it,” he added, without elaborating.

Asked about the missing funds, Bankman-Fried responded: “???”

Just perfect. Chef’s kiss.

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People are down from the top and still up considerably. Both can be true.

A lot of us didn’t put that much in to start. I put like $500 into topshot and built that up, then moved to eth nfts with the money from that and so on. I will admit to being 6 figures down from the peak but still substantially up and would be substantially up if everything went to actual 0 because I was fairly aggresive moving to usd the whole time.


lol thats quite the edit (i saw it live not using mods tool so i can lol)

The difference between 2018 and now is back in 2018 there was still plausible speculation that crypto and blockchain would have real world utility besides the entertainment of line goes up.