The Crapto Thread

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just 2 short years ago, when this pack probably 8x’d my money :rofl::skull:


I’m beginning to think Bannon might be slightly unethical:

I haven’t been paying much attention to crypto. i was curious how these guys would get back in the game.

I use crypto a lot for offshore sportsbooks. Let’s say I get cut off from betting at Book A. I withdraw my BTC to a wallet.

I now want to open an account for my “neighbor” at Book A. I then want to deposit some of the BTC I got from the withdrawal into Book A for my neighbor. What can I do with the BTC prior to depositing so it doesn’t appear to be the same BTC the sportsbook just paid out? I’ve read about mixing services, but the US government appears to really hate them so I feel like using one is a bad idea.

I’m not looking to hide anything from the US government. I just don’t want the offshore sportsbook to be able to easily link the account that was cut off to the new account.

Withdraw to an exchange instead, convert it to some other crypto, send that to a second exchange, convert it back to BTC, use that to buy in. You’ll need a new exchange for each iteration on the same book, though.

I’m not sure you even have to convert. I think many exchanges use omnibus wallets so the bookie would not be able to trace the BTC through the exchange - without information from the exchange.

Basically, you want the last 3 steps of your transaction to be:

(exchange / Book B / other third party) → a newly created BTC wallet → Book A

What tax software are you crypto heads using? I think I made a few bucks last year and lost even more. Does that mean I need TurboTax super duper deluxe?

Turbo Tax will import transactions from exchanges

Just deposit to exchange. Then withdraw to a fresh wallet.

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fuckin’ roham


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$7b valuation valuation from selling gifs

Gifs of stuff like a routine mid-season 3rd-quarter jump shot by Terrance Mann.

@Yuv not sure if you still visit here or if you still have your onchainmonkey but they are worth at least 3 eth now :vince1:


Just got an email from Starbucks. Apparently, they are going to be rolling out a limited edition NFT tomorrow. They wanted to make sure I had set up my wallet and 2fa (using a phone number, obvs) so that I could get in on the drop.

Wen moon?

saw this in my memories from 2 years ago today, man yall remember how much fun topshot was for a while?


Topshot really was fun (and pretty profitable) there for about 2 months.

Wait, what? They’re worth something? What’s going on in the monkey world? I still have 5 of them I think