The Crapto Thread

Hard to feign sympathy for a guy that self identifies as NFT GOD

Hey man, what if god was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home? (So he can buy jpgs and shitcoins on his hot wallet)


Checking back in on our friend NFT GOD.

If you can get beyond the fact that the song is pretty bad, it’s slightly moving (upon reflection)

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So you knew your twitter was hacking and then just relaxed and said NBD and didn’t even think about your crypto?

I got a reset password request from my Apple ID that I didn’t initiate and I freaked out assuming I was being targeted by someone - changed every username and password for everything important, set up 2FA everywhere. And I don’t even own crypto.

I don’t know shit about NFTs and cold wallets. But this all seems weird. Also the dude’s attitude immediately going to “oh well, it happens, life moves on” and not being in shock sand losing his mind for a few days.

Let’s just say he’s making this up for the sake of argument. Would that make sense if he wanted to keep his substack following without publicly dumping his NFTs? Or maybe for some kind of tax reasons?

It’s probably true but the whole thing just seems crazy.

But then again, he keeps saying this over and over. Feels like over-explaining or something.

Haven’t there been times people got their apes back through some combination of pressure and begging? Who wants to buy an obviously stolen ape?

Seems like a really dumb way to proceed after purposefully dumping his shit for whatever reason.

Just don’t click anything that could be potentially malicious and you don’t have to worry about any of this.

Yeah that’s some Boomer-level shit I’d chastise my Mom for doing.

The second part was a joke. The point is that it is fucking idiotic to not have a cold wallet. It’s dumb that way too but a lot less so.

Apparently he’s saying he somehow accidentally turned a cold wallet into a hot wallet? Is that possible?

Or you could hold actual assets.

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Short answer, yes. In effect, cold wallet means “I have never typed my seed phrase into a ‘hot’ internet-connected computer, so it is impossible for hackers to steal”. If you fuck around with your seed phrase sometime after setting up your “cold” Ledger, it’s not really cold anymore.

Like many things crypto, that makes no sense to me. I thought cold wallets were physical devices that held your keys and aren’t connected to the internet.

Is this seed phrase something for opensea?


You are right about cold wallets, but when you create one, you also generate a seed phrase, displayed on the device, that can restore your wallet (otherwise if it were lost or destroyed, you would lose your crypto). If you follow the instructions, that phrase will be recorded on paper only and can’t be hacked.

The phrase can be used to restore your wallet to another ledger securely, or it can be used to restore to a software wallet, which means that it is now hot and potentially pwnable.

Got it, thanks.

Doesn’t it seem like this guy did multiple really dumb things and they all just happened to come together in the most perfect way possible? And he wasn’t worried at all after his twitter was hacked? Am I the only one who thinks that’s weird.

Pretty much everyone ever who was “hacked” did dumb things. As has been explained over and over and over.

Also how is it possible to spend so much time on one subject for a decade+ and post something like this.


NFT God needs to change his avatar. He doesn’t own it anymore.


My spidey sense is tingling on this one. As someone who has set up a Ledger/cold wallet, it is not believable that he “accidentally turned his cold wallet hot”. It is extremely explicit during setup to never ever ever super duper never ever type the seed phrase into anything or store it digitally. If he did, he’s a moron that explicitly tried to have his shit stolen, full stop.

Getting Authenticator-based 2fa “hacked” (if true) most likely means that he fell for some kind of mfa fatigue attack where someone bombs your phone with dozens of push notifications until you give up and just tap accept to make it stop. Not super plausible in this description of events.

But, if that happened AND the guy had a google doc named “CRYPTO LOOT SEED PHRASE”, then yah you lose. But installing some malware doesn’t mean they can get your seed phrases that you set up years/months ago unless they are sitting somewhere or you typed them while the baddies are watching.

And if you are highly technical or whatever he called himself, this seems fishy and my first instinct is that he either did something super dumb/lazy/embarrassing (cryptolootseed.doc) or this is invented for some other purpose.

Just the two cents of a dummy.


LARPing for more followers and some sort of gofundme?

Very odd to lose what he considers his networth savings and suddenly 24 hours later “painful but moving on whatever, my substack more valuable to me k thx”