The Crapto Thread

Didn’t the pet rocks fad go to the moon tho?

Pet rocks made Gary Dahl a millionaire and they still sell.

Crypto already did pet rocks and they go for $250k.

Edit: I didn’t intend to embed 4 images of rock clip art in this post but it is way too funny to edit out.




Sounds like SBF had a hand in a lot of things!

The exact causes of the collapse of the two cryptocurrencies remain unclear. However, the bulk of the sell orders for TerraUSD appeared to be coming from one place: Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency trading firm, which also placed a big bet on the price of Luna falling, according to the person with knowledge of the market activity.

Had the trade gone as expected, the price declines in Luna could have yielded a fat profit. Instead, the bottom fell out of the entire TerraUSD-Luna ecosystem. The collapse caused more trouble in the cryptocurrency industry, sending several prominent companies into bankruptcy and erasing about $1 trillion in value from the crypto market.


that probably means the price of those nfts will go up

Is there any mechanism to edit the links in those tokens, or it’s just a dead link forever?

Generally, contracts have a function to update the link, so most likely. But that particular one is on Solana and I’m unfamiliar with and can’t find the actual contract on Solana blockchain explorer, so it is possible no. It is also somewhat likely that the creators (the only one who can update this link is the owner of the contract) DGAF anymore and will just let it rot.

This is one reason on chain NFTs are interesting. You can’t get rugged as easily.

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Doesn’t storing any sort of serious amount of information on the chain lead to prohibitively expensive transaction costs?

Not so much anymore. If NFTs have a future (they don’t) it’ll be on chain

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Pretty lukewarm take I think

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You’re telling me that if we just find even more suckers to pump money into this thing, we can make the original investors solvent again?


As one of the replies noted, Lehman Brothers was so stupid - they should have just issued a bunch of equity when they went bankrupt.