The Crapto Thread


This legit makes me sad. A dude with 4 young beautiful kids and a wife gonna off himself because he lost mid 6 figures in Celsius.

Shake my damn head. Lives ruined. People suiciding over money.

It’s the 1 “ponzi” we allow to exist so that old people don’t have to starve to death.

If SS is underfunded we either pay people less or we fund it more with taxation or money printer.


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right, so if you just ignore the social security trust fund or whatever and just look at all our spending versus all our tax revenue we seem to have a really big problem if the population decreases. the current model that we have relies on low interest rates + population growth, no?

From 5 employees to 4?


This entire economic system we built for ourselves requires population growth and GDP growth.

Pop growth for more demand and therefore potentially higher GDP.

GDP growth so that governments can keep collecting more tax revenues.

EDIT: This is why countries that aren’t birthing enough humans need immigration from a purely demand perspective. Countries like Japan that are anti-immigration are fucked long term. Japan’s GDP has gone nowhere in 20 years.

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Mmmm. Although no doubt there are people out there this happened to, this post is almost certainly bullshit. It’s posted by an account created today. Either you think this guy has never posted on Reddit before and created an account for the sole purpose of announcing suicide on a site he has never used, or he created a throwaway alt account to post this with, the explanation of which is that he can’t post it on his main account because he intends to keep using that.

More generally, the number of people who take a sick pleasure in trolling people this way would have to be numerically far greater than the number of people who lost it all, intend to commit suicide as a result, and decide to upset strangers by announcing this to them in advance.


Celsius just went bankrupt yesterday and wiped out hundreds of millions of user funds.

If this is a fake, fine.

But plenty of people offed themselves when Luna collapsed. And many will unfortunately off themselves with Celsius.

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The level of greed and the degree of perseverance that has been taken to get the very last penny in shit like this is always pretty damn impressive. The orchestrated plan c already being put in affect when B falls. I understand that the crypto winter looks to come early this year but I’m just happy that at least that things will be back to business around spring.



the system works!

Japan isn’t fucked. They are figuring out how to have a functioning economy without population growth at a time when the rest of the world is still banking on indefinite growth. They will be ahead of the curve when immigration isn’t going to cut it for the rest either.


This is an issue that economists will have to deal with in the long run, I think that the earths population is going to level off at the end of the is century. Although I’m not sure that it’s that hard to have a functioning economy without population growth, what is harder is borrowing against future production to pay for stuff now when when future production can’t be reasonably expected to be much higher than production now. But the situation is not hopeless, even in a steady population global economy we’d expect some economic growth because technological improvements and ingenuity will always wring a little more production out of the same amount of resources.

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my prediction is a rapid decline in the USA birth rate in the near future for non immigrants caused by cost of living, housing and negative political outlook. its gonna be another “nobody saw this coming” moment where “everyone got it wrong”

The birth rate has already fallen a lot since 2008. Nobody knows how this will evolve in the future. Your expectation is reasonable. Some factors in the other direction are a) historically the birth rate has fallen when women had higher paying jobs because the opportunity cost of having a child increased, so in bad economic time we might actually expect the birth rate to go up (not down), and b) the impact of Roe cannot be predicted but on the surface it probably means more births. If the American Taliban comes after birth control next that would be a game changer.

Could be the same for a lot of the world. I’ve noticed many modellers have slashed population projections (some now think we peak under 10bn when consensus was 11+ not that long ago) Nd they often cite cost of living concerns (and climate change obviously)

Was it @Riverman that said that crypto is essentially an exercise in people learning from first principles why financial regulations exist?