The Coup in Bolivia

You should educate yourself more


Looks like they also nailed the terrorist mastermind who was responsible for promoting people with the wrong politics.

This is a dumb semantic point.

I think there is a different interpretation of that tweet than the one that you’re going with.

I can also see an interpretation where the new government is purging the bureaucracy of anyone deemed insufficiently loyal on trumped-up charges, but I honestly didn’t think you’d care for that one.

Well, there are other ways to interpret the tweet than either of the two you’ve proposed. Granted you could be correct, but another possibility is that people that execute/participate in coups are by definition not loyal, and there are consequences for participating in coups.

I don’t think your interpretation is really tenable. The tweet says that the second guy was arrested for wrongly granting promotions to right-wing officers.

I mean we are both speculating on what one sentence in a tweet means, and we both seem to find each other’s interpretations less likely(I’m assuming).

I read the tweet as the Police Chief promoted officers who were not in line for promotion simply because of their political affiliation. Those officers were promoted because they were right wing, the coup was right wing, and most likely the Chief was right wing. Those are actions that a participant or co-conspirator in a coup would do–promote allies to positions of power. He has now been arrested and possibly face trial for his participation in the coup.

That seems like a tenable interpretation to me.

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Wrong and that’s an idiotic post.

Is it even theoretically possible for police chief to not be right wing?

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This thing with the police chief does not google well. It seems some police chief was arrested and it was the police chief who had either pressured or suggested (depending on the source) Evo to resign and leave. May well be more to it than just giving some promotions. The sources I found (including WaPo) did not name this person.

Capitalist police are right wing by definition.

Here’s an interesting case of police vs private security agency violence from US history. The police cheif was actually on the side of the striking miners. It did not turn out well for him.

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We may part ways some on the definition of left and right wing.

how so?

I view it in terms of power. Capitalism is a system that leads to, develops from, exacerbates (?) discrepancies of power, but it’s not the only way that happens. And I think that’s a fair way to look at it as the origination of left-right (I think) comes from the early part of the French Revolution and was about power being more or less horizontal.

So, imo, Chief of Police in Moscow, Havana, or Beijing is a right winger. Abolish the police goes for those times and places too.

eta - Orwell

I have no particular love for the idealized “worker” as he appears in the bourgeois Communist’s mind, but when I see an actual flesh-and-blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the policeman , I do not have to ask myself which side I am on.


I think it’s reasonable to place the tipping point between left/right as the enforcement of non-horizontal discrepancies of power.


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I’m a meme fan for sure. But I don’t recognize the reference on this one, so not sure of your point.

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