The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

LOL Jared, dude is just a straight up moron

Paid $276 million, sold for $188 million 12 years later. Impossible to describe how awful that is in CRE. Just for fun plug in what $276 million in an S&P 500 index fund for the last 12 years looks like today.


Didn’t do the math but if dividends are reinvested I am pretty sure it starts with a B!

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Also I finally got around to watching the Dave Chappelle SNL monologue and this is probably heresy but I thought it sucked.

The whole “I don’t hate anybody” thing is pure both sides cowardice, unless I somehow misinterpreted and that was a joke too.


Yeah that part was a joke

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Bad take. I thought it was powerful. When he talked about wearing a mask his whole life and the only time he could tell the truth was if he had a punchline was moving.

He is getting to a place where he can speak the truth and not care about the consequences.


Was it, though?

Whenever Chappelle does the pause after a punch line, steps back and laughs or hits the mic its a joke that was intended to evoke a reaction from the audience. He was trolling because he doesn’t like the audience on “his side” the entire time. You can watch any special of his and he goes out of his way to make jokes like this every time.

Lol. Even Riverman puts out a terrible take every now and then.


Sucked seems strong to me but it definitely wasn’t his best work and got a little awkward at times with a couple jokes that garnered no reaction. But his subject was just a few hours old, so probably not fair to compare to a Netflix special where he’s honed the material for a year. Finished strong as always when he gets you to think a little bit.

good. i was worried he was some kind of superposting machine intelligence


Jesus, it is a testament to the top to bottom strength of the detestability of this administration that I completely forgot Ryan Zinke exists. I pride myself on my ability for long term spite and hatred, Zinke completely slipped off my radar. What an asshole.


yeahh I thought it sucked too but mostly I was distracted by the fact that he was smoking a cigarette indoors in the center of New York City like a complete and total fucking asshole.


His best work was 15 years ago. it’s kind of surprising he’s even had a successful second act when the format isn’t exactly what made him a household name.

I think of his Netflix specials the last one was his best personally.

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This story is absolutely bonkers. The Texas AG has been under indictment for SIX YEARS, and on top of that his entire handpicked staff recently filed whistle blower complaints against him. TEXAS


Ending this seeming immunity for GOP scumbags needs to be a top priority of the Biden Justice Department. JFC


There’s no way out of impunity without a few examples made.

Chappelle doesn’t do normal stand-up anymore. It’s a mix of jokes and serious shit. I love it.

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73,000,000, good job! That’s like final form Frieza levels of power.


This has been dragged out 100x worse than that fight.


Weird how it’s ok to keep counting his and not Biden’s… Joe now at 77.5 million, but Trump actually (shocker) lied and is at 72.3M.